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Updated Viral Respirator Pathogens Toolkit for Nursing Homes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated the resource, Viral Respiratory Pathogens Toolkit for Nursing Homes. This toolkit helps nursing home infection preventionists and leadership prepare for and respond to nursing home residents or health care personnel who develop signs or symptoms of a respiratory viral infection. The CDC has extensively updated the resources section, including links to information on this season’s vaccine recommendations, testing and treatment, billing and payment, and infection prevention and control. While the toolkit is tailored toward nursing homes, the resources and many of the listed actions could be adapted for use in other long-term care settings.

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Seeking Submissions: Caregiver Services and Supports Innovations Hub

If you organization offers an innovative caregiver program, service, or intervention submit it for inclusion in USAging's Caregiver Services and Supports Innovations Hub. The Hub functions as an online clearinghouse to facilitate the exchange of programs and development of new caregiver services and supports. USAging provided some examples that may be included (but are not limited to): caregiver peer support and counseling programs, respite alternatives, technology and assistive devices to support caregivers, training courses. Businesses and for-profit entities are not eligible for submission. Questions can be sent to USAging's caregiving team at

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HHS Releases Progress Report on Federal Implementation of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers

On Tuesday, September 17th, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Administration for Community Living, delivered a progress report to Congress on the federal implementation of the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. This Strategy includes recommendations to ensure that family caregivers have the support and resources they need, along with commitments from fifteen federal agencies and 350 actions to implement these recommendations. To date, all of these actions have either been completed or are currently in progress. This report to Congress reflects the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing commitment to addressing the unmet needs of family caregivers across the country.

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Veteran Affairs Caregiver Support Program

The VA's Caregiver Support Program (CSP) has selected "Caregiving and Wellbeing Coaching" as its Resource of the Month for July 2024. This resource focuses on empowering caregivers by prioritizing their health and well-being. Caregivers work with a trained CSP team member to develop a plan to improve their physical, emotional, and mental health, guided by the VA's Whole Health approach. This coaching is available at no cost to caregivers enrolled in CSP’s Program of General Caregiver Support Services and Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. It offers personalized coaching, planning, and support to help caregivers improve their overall well-being.

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A Proclamation on Care Workers Recognition Month, 2024

The White House released a proclamation highlighting the commitment and value of care workers, and recognized this month, April 2024, as Care Workers Recognition Month. It summarizes the efforts taken by the Biden Administration to support care workers in the United States. President Biden mentions the current actions being taken by agencies to achieve proper pay for home care workers by ensuring they receive larger Medicaid payments and promoting programs that support careers in the field. This proclamation expresses the administration’s appreciation of care workers and their dedication.

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A Closer Look at Sandwich Generation Caregivers of Medicare Beneficiaries

AARP recently released a report using qualitative and quantitative data to depict sandwich generation caregivers who are caring for Medicare beneficiaries. The combined dynamics of Americans delaying having children and younger generations taking on caregiving for older adults are leading to a new picture of what it means to be sandwiched between two generations who need daily care. Early research has shown the negative impact the compounded responsibility of caring for an older adult while still caring for young children can have on caregivers’ physical health, well-being, and financial welfare....

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Visiting Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities During the Holidays

A recently published fact sheet from the National Consumer Voice for Long-Term Quality Care offers guidance for visiting residents in long-term care facilities during the holiday season. This fact sheet outlines the importance of visits from family members in supporting residents’ emotional well-being and ensuring that residents receive quality care. It also emphasizes the rights of residents and family members to determine what visits involve and when they take place. Additionally, Consumer Voice provides practical tips and activity ideas for family visits, along with suggestions for engaging residents during the gift-giving season, including examples of suitable gifts for residents.

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Aging with a History of Trauma: Strategies to Provide Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care to Older Adults and Family Caregivers

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) recently released an updated guidance memorandum, supported by a 2021 supplemental grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL). This updated publication offers insights for the Aging Network on delivering Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed (PCTI) care to Holocaust survivors, older adults with trauma histories, and their family caregivers. This publication is an updated and expanded version of the guidance memorandum published by the ACL in 2017.

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