Aging/Older Adults

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The Senior Community Service Employment Program: A Primer for State Aging and Disability Directors

The Senior Community Service Employment Program is the only federally mandated job training program that explicitly serves low-income adults, age 55 and older, to promote economic self-sufficiency and community service. This paper provides an overview of the program’s goals, its structure in different states, its funding, and the relationship between stakeholders. The mission of the SCSEP serves to empower older individuals by making them more employable in both the public and private sectors.

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Older Americans Act Budgeting

Budgeting is a crucial aspect in the deliverance of Older Americans Act (OAA) services. This brief provides information geared at State directors to help them better understand various funding sources and requirements. This summary explains the Inter-State Funding Formula on which the Administration of Aging (AoA) distributes OAA funds as well as the Intra-State Funding Formula (IFF) on which states distribute OAA funds.

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Mental Health and Aging: Working together

This presentation took place on March 20, 2012 at the Aging in America Conference to demonstrate how the aging network can benefit from working with other agencies to provide more integrated services. Namely, the State Units on Aging working with mental health and substance abuse agencies and programs to provide for more comprehensive care that takes into consideration issues unique to the aging population, such as suicide and alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

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Medicare’s Preventive Services

Preventive services is one way of cutting down health care costs, as well as detecting health issues early. Medicare beneficiaries have access to many preventive services, including cancer screenings, glaucoma screenings, certain immunizations, etc. This fact sheet provides an overview and chart of the different preventive services available to Medicare enrollees, outlining the different services covered under the different Medicare plans or “parts”, especially Medicare Part B.

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2005 Older Americans Act Reauthorization Policy Recommendations

The National Association of State Units on Aging (NASUA) is pleased to share a comprehensive set of recommendations for reform of the Older Americans Act (OAA) when it is reauthorized by the 109th Congress in 2005. NASUA believes that the forthcoming reauthorization of the Act provides an opportunity to modernize its structures, programs, and services to prepare to serve the next generation of older persons and their families.

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2012 State of Aging and Disabilities Survey: Another Year of Challenges Tempered by Opportunities

State aging and disability agencies have operated within a tumultuous environment for the past several years. It has become increasingly more difficult to reconcile the needs of older adults and people with disabilities with the resources available to address those needs. Five themes are identified from the 2012 state of aging and disabilities surveys, which include the acceleration of Medicaid managed long term services and supports and continuing loss of historical knowledge around the nation.

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The Digital Television Transition: Educating and Protecting Older Adults

In 2009, television stations ceased to broadcast in analog and became digital. Adults over the age of 65 are more likely to have analog television sets and therefore are likely to require assistance into digital transition. This brief helps highlight some important facts about analog to digital transition, including options available to analog consumers and rebate and discount programs. This brief also identifies the different ways in which state governments have prepared to address this issue.

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Silver Alert Initiatives in the States: Protecting Seniors with Cognitive Impairments

A Silver Alert program establishes a notification system to alert the public of missing persons who are elderly or have cognitive impairments. This report identifies which states have Silver Alert programs, those that do not, and those with pending legislation. This report provides a brief summary of the legislations that established programs in certain states, the agencies administering the program, and the program requirements for initiating an alert.

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Project 2020: Building on the Promise of Home and Community-Based Services

The goal of this coordinated national campaign from n4a & NASUA is to provide the resources to implement consumer-centered and cost effective long-term care strategies authorized in the 2006 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. Empower the Aging Services Network to implement these strategies through a three-pronged program encompassing person centered access to information, evidence-based disease management and health promotion activities, and enhanced home and community-based services.

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Inclusion/Exclusion Policy Development Guide for Aging Information & Referral/Assistance

Are you struggling with what should and should not be included in an I&R resource database? NASUA has put together a compilation of suggestions, experiences, and ideas from the field related to establishing a database. The paper also addresses specific elements of designs and policy development.

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