Aging/Older Adults

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Family Caregivers and Managed Long- Term Services and Supports

This is the first major research paper in this emerging field of managed long-term services and supports (LTSS) that addresses family caregivers’ needs. Family caregivers of people with self-care needs often make it possible for the members of managed care plans to live at home rather than in institutions. Managed care plans, therefore, have strong financial incentives to support these family caregivers, thus improving quality of life and reducing the overall cost of care.

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Potential Savings of Medicaid Capitated Care: National and State-by-State Estimates

A report by The Menges Group on behalf of the Association for Community Affiliated Plans estimates the current savings of the managed care model in Medicaid and the additional savings that can occur if remaining fee-for-service (FFS) expenditures were moved into a capitated MCO setting. The report estimates that in 2016, the MCO model delivered nationwide Medicaid savings of $7.1 billion. This represents an overall savings of 2.6% on all the funds paid via capitation.

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National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017

A national survey of Area Agencies on Aging is conducted every two to three years. The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) has released their 2017 survey report. They surveyed 622 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), with 412 completing the survey, to discover what services they commonly offer, how AAAs address funding, and what their policy priorities are.

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Strengthen Your State & Local Aging Plan: A Practical Guide for Expanding LGBT Older Adult Inclusion

This guide highlights the work of State Units on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging who engage and include the LGBT community in their planning and services. It includes an extensive list of tools and resources to assist with outreach to LGBT communities, data collection, needs assessments, writing LGBT-inclusive planning goals and objectives, and suggested organizational best practices for LGBT-inclusive planning.

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Expanding Implementation of Universal Design and Visitability Features in the Housing Stock

AARP has released an update from their Public Policy Livable Communities division, which explains that communities need to encourage more accessible homes for older adults and their families by requiring that single family homes meet visitability requirements with features such as having an entrance without steps, kitchen counters set at multiple heights, and half-bathrooms at the ground level.

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Working Together Toward Better Health Outcomes

The Partnership for Healthy Outcomes, a project of the Center for Health Care Strategies, Nonprofit Finance Fund, and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, has published a report that captures and analyzes lessons from health care organizations and community-based organizations (CBOs) that are partnering to address both the clinical and the social determinants of health. This report is based on a survey of more than 200 health care related partnerships.

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The Potential Impact of the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Home and Community-Based Services Spending

The Community Living Policy Center reviewed the effects of the Better care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) should it pass. Upon review, they conclude that had it been implemented in the mid-2000s then it would have reduced Federal reimbursments becuase of the proposed caps.

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Medicaid in Small Towns and Rural America: A Lifeline for Children, Families, and Communities

University Center for Children and Families (CCF) and the University of North Carolina NC Rural Health Research Program (NC RHRP) studies the effects of Medicaid on rural areas and small towns as opposed to dense metropolitan areas. Since the implementation of the ACA, those who are covered by insurance have noticeably increased the number of Americans who are insured.

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Fiscal Survey of the States: Spring 2017

The National Association of State Budget Officers has a semi-annual report, with data gathered from all 50 state budget offices, that provides a narrative analysis of the fiscal condition of the states and data summaries of state general fund revenues, expenditures, and balances. The spring edition of the survey of the states details governors' proposed budgets.

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America's Health Rankings: Senior Report 2017

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of senior population health on a national and state-by-state basis across 34 measures of senior health. The 2017 edition is the fifth publication of this report, which continues to serve as a benchmark of senior health for individuals, community leaders, policymakers, media and public health professionals.

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