Aging/Older Adults

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Living Below the Line: Economic Insecurity and Older Americans, Insecurity in the States 2019

This report estimates that half of all single older adults in the United States lack the income to afford basic needs, a calculation that matched Elder Index expense data with state-level income statistics. The report also ranks states based on their levels of elder economic insecurity by measuring the percentage of older adults who did not have sufficient income to meet their realistic expenses.

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I&R/A Information Technology Systems: Findings from State Aging and Disability Agencies

This issue brief explores software systems that state aging and disability agencies use for resource databases and for client tracking, case management, and reporting. Data and findings are drawn from ADvancing States’ 2018 National Survey of Aging and Disability Information & Referral/Assistance (I&R/A) Agencies. This issue brief highlights responses from state agencies on aging and disability, though in some instances, data from all survey respondents is shared for comparison purposes.

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Adding a Dental Benefit to Medicare: Addressing Racial Disparities

This brief describes the racial disparities in access to oral health and oral health outcomes. Coverage is a key factor in reducing the existing disparities. This brief proposes adding oral health as a Medicare benefit as a potential solution. It also proposes additional policy options aimed at reducing disparities beyond expanding oral health coverage,

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Protecting Older Consumers 2018-2019: A Report of the Federal Trade Commission

This report outlines the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) research, law enforcement, and education efforts aimed at protecting older consumers. The report finds that although consumers 60 and older report losing money to scams less often than younger adults, the amount of money they lose is higher. Older adults reported losing money most often to phone scams and online scams. This report also highlights the Pass it On campaign.

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Factsheets for AAPI Older Adults, Caregivers, and Aging Organizations

These resources are designed for AAPI Older Adults, Caregivers, and Aging Organizations. The fact sheets cover the issues of emotional abuse, neglect, and how caregivers of those with dementia can care for themselves. The fact sheets are available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Samoan, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and English.

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Falls Prevention: National, State, and Local Solutions to Better Support Seniors

This report was released by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging. The report notes that one in four Americans 65 and older falls each year, leading to lasting health and economic consequences. Falls are preventable and not necessarily a part of the normal aging process. The report also includes a list of recommendations from the committee.

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AARP Employment Data Digest September 2019

AARP's Public Policy Institute (PPI) publishes a monthly update on employment numbers for people ages 55 and over. This report draws from monthly data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. AARP PPI has recently released its September 2019 version of the digest. Although the job rate growth slowed slightly, the unemployment rate declined to 3.5 percent overall, and 2.4 percent for people ages 55 and older.

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