Aging/Older Adults

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Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life

The RRF Foundation for Aging recently released an issue brief, “Working Together to Achieve Economic Security in Later Life”, which is a first in a series of briefs highlight the foundation’s approach to grantmaking. The brief focuses on the innovative ways for older adults to achieve financial well-being and also as an invitation to others to partner with the foundation on these and other critical issues. The issue brief and social media sharing toolkit are linked to this page.

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2021 Conference on Independent Living: Call for Workshop Proposals

The National Council on Independent Living is seeking proposals for their Liberty, Independence, Freedom, and Equity themed 2021 conference. NCIL seeks workshops in the following tracks: Advocacy & Policy work, Independent Living 101, Core Services, Inclusion/Intersectional work, SILC. The submission deadline in March 28th 2021.

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Why Dually Eligible Beneficiaries Stay or Leave Integrated Care Plans

Supported by Arnold Ventures, Mathematica conducted this study to understand what leads dually eligible beneficiaries to remain in, or disenroll from, D-SNPs. They examined the association of MA quality and member experience scores, and level of Medicaid integration, with voluntary disenrollment rates (VDRs) in D-SNP dominant MA contracts. Download the publication to read more.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: State Information & Resources

On January 14, 2021 ADvancing States sent out a call for information about how states are rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine to people receiving home and community-based services and/or Older Americans Act services. Information about logistics plans, schedules, partnerships, and communications strategies were all welcomed. This resource reflects the information states sent in response to the call and will be periodically updated as we receive more information.

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A Tribute to Rosalie Kane: Honoring Her Life and Work as Scholar, Mentor, and Social Worker in Gerontology

The most recent issue of the Journal of Gerontological Social Work, A Tribute to Rosalie Kane: Honoring Her Life and Work as Scholar, Mentor, and Social Worker in Gerontology, is dedicated to the life and work of Rosalie Kane. Rosalie helped shape much of our current thinking about long-term services and supports (LTSS). The nine articles and commentaries cover topics ranging from the importance of learning participant preferences to the role of "quality of life" measures in evaluating LTSS.

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HCUP’s Outstanding Article of the Year Award

Nominations are now being accepted for HCUP’s Outstanding Article of the Year Award, which will recognize research published in peer-reviewed journals in 2020 that used the HCUP databases to explore and address healthcare research topics and issues. Work honored will demonstrate how HCUP has contributed to the healthcare services field. The nomination period will close on March 3, 2021. For complete information, please visit the HCUP-US website at

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Elevated COVID-19 Mortality Risk Among Recipients of Home and Community-Based Services

This brief by Stephen Kaye, Ph.D., published a paper setting out his analysis of mortality risk among recipients of home and community-based services. He finds that HCBS recipients between 45 and 64 years of age appear to be at greater mortality risk than the general community-resident population between 65 and 74 years of age. He concludes that this elevated mortality risk justifies increasing the vaccination priority for HCBS recipients under age 65 to equal that of the

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New York Attorney General and Consumer Voice Release Reports on the Effect of COVID-19 on Nursing Homes

Attorney General of New York, Letitia James (AG), released a preliminary report on the effect of COVID-19 on nursing homes in New York. The report found that pre-existing short-staffing issues were a defining factor in how a great number of nursing homes in New York fared during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care also released a report detailing harm and neglect resulting from facilities being locked down and inadequate staffing.

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