Aging/Older Adults

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A Call to Action: What Experts Say Needs to Be Done to Meet the Challenges of Family Caregiving

There are 10 common themes in this summary from the written work of 10 authors of caregiving books. There are 4 areas highlighted at the Forum in which public policies and communities can respond to the needs of family caregivers: greater public education and awareness; more financial relief; better communication, coordination, and collaboration with health care professionals; and heightened recognition of and support for family caregivers in policy initiatives.

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Vermont State Plan on Aging, 2011-2014

This document sets forth the State of Vermont's plan on aging in accordance with Older Americans Act requirements. The plan describes the mission and strategies of Vermont's State Unit on Aging (SUA) to coordinate services for older adults. The Plan contains information on aging demographics, the mission for the duration of the plan, and sets out goals to empower older adults to be more independent, promote wellness, and expand home and community-based services.

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2010 Progress Report on Alzheimer's Disease

Highlighted in the report are important developments & directions in NIH-funded research, including: risk for developing Alzheimer’s; genes that play a role in the disease; neuroimaging & biomarkers that detect & track the disease; research into new treatments; lifestyle factors that may worsen or protect against the disease; & help for caregivers. Special features include animation showing the progression of Alzheimer’s in the brain & video interviews highlighting new insights into the disease.

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Federal Funding and Support for Respite: Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems

This guide lays out information about each federal program that provides or could provide respite funding or support. It is meant to be used by state Lifespan Respite Care Programs & their partners to help identify the funding sources that could be the building blocks for the state’s Lifespan Respite systems, help serve the underserved, build respite capacity & quality and help recruit & retain respite workers, and identify individuals who administer funds for future partnerships.

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Older Americans Behavioral Health Issue Brief: Series Overview

The focus of this issue brief is on issues of suicide, anxiety and depression, prescription drug misuse and abuse, and alcohol abuse. The target audiences are the local and State Aging Services Network, behavioral health community, and substance abuse providers. The Issue Brief series will identify key information and opportunities for action that can improve the lives of older Americans. It emphasizes the importance of using partnerships to implement and sustain effective services.

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A Roadmap to a 21st-Century Disability Policy

Despite decades of increases in program participation and spending, the disability support infrastructure in the United States and the economic independence of people with disabilities have eroded. Rather than tighten eligibility or reduce program benefits, this issue brief proposes gradual programmatic reforms and evidence-based structural changes to improve the economic status of Americans with disabilities.

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The Technical Assistance Center for the Balancing Incentive Program

This site offers a wealth of information for anyone seeking clarification about the Balancing Incentive Program. It also provides numerous resources States will find useful when pursuing the benefits offered by the Program, including: The Program Application; The Implementation Manual; A user-friendly Work Plan; A user-friendly CSA/CDS crosswalk; Frequently Asked Questions; Webinars; Additional resources on the web; and beyond.

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Results of Long-Term-Care Provider Administrator Survey

The Affordable Care Act requires the Office of Inspector General to submit a report to Congress evaluating the law’s Nationwide Program for National & State Background Checks on Direct Patient Access Employees of Long Term-Care (LTC) Facilities within six months of the program’s completion. OIG recently conducted a survey of LTC provider administrators, & asked them about current practices regarding background checks on potential employees, & the effects of such programs on the LTC workforce.

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Ensuring Safe Transitions from Hospital to Home Challenge

The care transitions challenge aims to stimulate the use of simple, information technology-enabled processes and tools to make transitions easier and safer for patients, caregivers and providers, particularly when a patient is discharged from a hospital. The first health IT challenge, Ensuring Safe Transitions from Hospital to Home, called upon developers to create a web-based application that could empower patients and caregivers to better navigate and manage a transition from a hospital.

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Affordable Care Act: Opportunities for the Aging Network

The Administration on Aging (AoA) has a new page on its website that highlights program and funding opportunities within the Affordable Care Act that relate to the mission and vision of AoA and the Aging Network. Topics covered include Medicare and Medicaid, prevention, and webinars and technical assistance resources.

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