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Care At Home: A New Civil Right? – Online News Article

Every year numerous children with severe disabilities who get in-home care through state Medicaid funds age out of the program. Some go to nursing homes, other families struggle to keep their children at home but often get overwhelmed by the care. Read this story about an Illinois family’s struggle, and other families who are suing states for continuation of home care. Links to interactive databases, e.g., milestones in LTC policies with other related information are included in the article.

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Federal Health Care Reform and its Potential Impact on California’s Long-Term Care System – Policy Brief

Review testimony presented at a public hearing in California. Among the recommendations for taking advantage of ACA’s opportunites are state support of the CLASS program, enhancement of care coordination and service integration for vulnerable seniors and people with disabilities including increased access to ADRCs, exploration of the potential to apply for enhanced Medicaid HCBS options, and identification of ways to support and grow the direct care workforce.

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The Overlooked Caregiver: A Series of Listening Sessions

Four groups of caregivers discuss their challenges in accessing caregiver services. Challenges include lack of access to internet and phone, cultural traditions which prevent self-identification as caregivers, and unexpected caregiving responsibilities for wounded veterans. Proposed solutions included assistance in navigating government programs, connecting new caregivers to peer mentors and caregiver networks, and an increased focus on assisting the care recipient and the caregiver.

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Advancing Long-Term Services & Supports: Health Affairs Journal Special Issue

Health Affairs has published a special issue devoted entirely to long-term care. Review articles on providers, issues related to Medicare and Medicaid, transition and diversion programs, new state strategies to meet LTC needs, quality of care, demographic issues, policy and financing, health spending, caregivers and the workforce, and palliative care and end-of-life.

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Social Marketing Principles Enhance Enrollment in the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation

Explore the use of social marketing principles to enhance enrollment in the C&C Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE). In this study, focus groups were conducted in Arkansas and Florida. Several lessons emerged from the findings including the importance of conducting process evaluation activities early during program implementation, carefully selecting and training personnel to conduct outreach and enrollment activities, and developing specific messages to include in marketing the cash option.

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Participant Direction During Difficult Budget Times: A Toolkit for State Policymakers and Advocates

Find useful tools to help you advocate for participant-directed services. This toolkit offers a “Budget Myths Chart” highlighting common myths, counter-arguments, and important facts to make your case, and other helpful tools including personal stories, reports on involving program participants, and tips and examples of opinion articles suggested by policymakers and advocates.

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Affordable Housing Fund – North Dakota

How are states getting support for the establishment of proposed funds? North Dakota created a proposal, fact sheet, alliance members list, a planning meeting invitation and a guide for the development of a letter of support for the establishment of a state-wide affordable housing fund to assist communities with their unmet housing needs. Samples of these documents are attached and could be helpful for other states looking for ideas to do the same.

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Cultural Competence and ADRCs - Issue Brief

How can ADRCs increase their outreach and strengthen their relationship with diverse populations and community-based organizational partners? This brief provides an overview of cultural competence including its definition and how it can be best implemented. Also included are key demographics, barriers to culturally competent service provision, organizational assessment tools, practices and standards, and a list of cultural competence resources that may be useful for ADRC staff.

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Community Living Resource Website – Utah

How are states using online resources to educate consumers about their choices? The state of Utah developed a resource site for the following areas: Employment, Benefits, Education and Training, Housing, Transportation, Finances and Money Management, Legal and Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Healthy Living. A link to the site is available and could serve as an example to other MIG states.

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IRIS: Include, Respect, I Self-Direct – Wisconsin

Check out a long term care option that allows individuals more choice, control, and freedom in designing their support and service plans to meet functional, vocational, medical and social needs. Consumers manage their goods and services, and may use the program to remain in their community and avoid moving into a nursing home or an institution. Explore IRIS's website and brochure.

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