Dual Eligibles

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Medicaid Arrangements to Coordinate Medicare and Medicaid for Dual-Eligible Individuals

KFF has released an issue brief that describes how state Medicaid programs are implementing arrangements aimed at coordinating Medicare and Medicaid for dual-eligible individuals. Dual-eligible individuals receive their primary health insurance coverage through Medicare and receive additional assistance from their state Medicaid program. The brief reports that nearly all states are leveraging strategies to coordinate care for dual-eligible individuals and many states are using multiple strategies.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/74552

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Investing in Integration: Indiana’s Long-Term Care System Redesign Focuses on Dual-Eligible Populations

In this blog post, Nancy Archibald, MHA, MBA, Associate Director of Integrated Care at CHCS, describes the state of Indiana's plan to launch Medicaid managed long-term services and supports in 2024. The state is receiving grant funding through Advancing Medicare & Medicaid Integration, an Arnold Ventures initiative developed in partnership with CHCS that assists states in filling resource gaps in designing and launching integrated care programs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/73609

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Medicare Chronic Care Management Services Payment: Implications for States Serving Dually Eligible Individuals

The Integrated Care Resource Center published a brief on the the implications of Medicare chronic care management services for states serving dually eligible individuals. In January 2015 a new payment system for Medicare chronic care management (CCM) became effective. This brief provides an overview of the new payment system and offers states different opportunities for more effective coordination of care with their contracting plans.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/67193

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