State/Agency Information

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The Illustrated History of Maine\'s Personal Assistance Services Association

Review this two-part report on establishing an Association for Direct Care and Direct Support Workers in Maine. The materials feature a timeline of activities, challenges and outcomes for the Maine PASA program. The companion piece, Our Stories provides snapshots of the work that PAS face everyday. These informative reports illustrate the developments and productivity of the program through examples and pictures.

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Application for a §1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waiver [Version 3.3]

CMS has developed the final revised working draft of the 1915 (c) HCBS waiver application, Instructions and Technical Guide, Resource Documents, and the CMS Review Instrument. This is the version that CMS is currently automating for use as a web-based application available in Feb 2006. The new application was designed to solicit more complete information from states about the design of their waiver program to better determine whether a proposed waiver has the capacity to meet the requirements.

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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Website

CMS is pleased to announce the new and improved CMS website. The new site employs a user-friendly design to get visitors the information they need with the least amount of clicks. It introduces one-stop shopping “centers” targeted to specific professionals such as providers and partners, who frequent the site. The main changes include timely, relevant and accurate content, improved Google search features, and consistent organization and navigation sections.

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Financial Management for Independent Living Centers Training

IL NET of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) will present a three-week distance learning course. The online program is designed to help CIL and SILC leaders manage organization finances more effectively. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify key components of sound fiscal management, develop fiscal reports, prepare and deliver agency and program budgets, identify fiscal risk management controls, and define appropriate roles for board and staff financial oversight.

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Consolidated State Survey Respondents and Results: Primary Data Systems

A questionnaire was emailed to the primary agencies in each state that are responsible for services to people with developmental disabilities. The main purpose of the survey was to determine if states had data systems that might be purchased and or modified to address the needs of Colorado’s DDD. States were asked if they had a computerized data system and a list of the features and functions. The 15 responses are helpful in understanding technology baselines and promising practices.

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State Medicaid Fact Sheets Online Tool

This new interactive online tool provides the latest key data for each state’s Medicaid program and the population it serves, allowing for easy comparisons of one state to any other state or to the nation as a whole, on a selection of important indicators. Utilizing figures from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and drawn directly from, this tool provides customized figures and tables that can be easily printed as fact sheets, emailed or saved.

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Beyond Tomorrow: A Workshop for Emerging and Existing Leadership Personnel

It is necessary for organizations working with vulnerable people to recruit and advance promising leaders as well as further renew and encourage existing leaders. This specialized five-day event prepares the next generation of leaders as the present baby boomers begin to leave the field of advocacy, academia and governmental services. Participants will develop a proposal that identifies key leadership issues that each believes their organization ought to pursue. The event is in March 2006.

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An Analysis of the National Governors Association’s Proposals for “Short-Run Medicaid Reform”

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities just released an in-depth analysis of the National Governors Association's short-term Medicaid reforms. In August 2005, the NGA released “Medicaid Reform: A Preliminary Report,” a set of recommendations for Congress as it develops budget legislation to reduce projected federal Medicaid expenditures. This informative brief explores the recommendations and their implications for Medicaid.

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2005 Real Choice Systems Change Grant Awards

As part of the New Freedom Initiative, 17 states have been awarded Real Choice System Changes grants. The $25.8 million in grants is to help people of all ages with disabilities or long-term illnesses live in their homes and participate fully in community life. Review the list of Systems Transformation Grant Awardees and Family to Family Health Information and Education Center Awardees.

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