Organizational Change

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Expand Your Vision and Grow Your Mission! Driving Culture Change in Aging and Disability CBOs Looking to Work with Health Care Partners​

This webinar describes two community-based organizations' challenges and strategies around preparing and persuading staff, thinking about services, costs, and administration in new ways, understanding infrastructure needs, working with new partners, and more.

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Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders

This article discusses successful strategic planning. The successful strategic planning process will examine and make informed projections about environmental realities to help an organization anticipate and respond to change by clarifying its mission and goals; targeting spending; and reshaping its programs, fundraising and other aspects of operations.

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Leadership: Shifting Your CIL into High Gear

In this training, you will learn the keys to leadership at Centers for Independent Living from four successful CIL leaders from around the country. You will learn how to lead programs and organizations to new growth and sustainability, identify and improve your own leadership abilities, and prepare employees to take on more responsibility so you are always building new and improved leaders all around you.

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Using Medicaid Levers to Support Health Care Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations

This fact sheet outlines strategies to help Medicaid stakeholders encourage partnerships between community-based organizations and health care organizations. States can provide: (1) financial support to build and sustain program capacity; (2) assistance in identifying metrics for evaluation; (3) incentives to providers to address social determinants of health; and (4) use of policy levers, including value-based contracts, managed care organization regulations, and state plan amendments.

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Readiness Assessment Tool

This readiness assessment tool guides your organization through the process of successfully preparing for, securing and maintaining partnerships with the health care sector, allowing your organization to assess the current readiness of your organization, while also providing a framework and resources for navigating the process successfully. Your organization will benefit most by completing this assessment tool as an organization, rather than individually.

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