Long-Term Care

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Person-Centered Planning For Community Based Long-Term Care: Practice Guidance For The MI Choice Waiver Sites

This document provides guidance and technical assistance for development of a Person-Centered Planning policy locally, and provides essential elements of a framework for successful implementation of the Person-Centered Planning Process with Medicaid beneficiaries participating in the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52219

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Consumer Direction in Managed Long-Term Care: An Exploratory Survey of Practices and Perceptions

This article presents results of a survey of the attitudes and practices of managed care organizations concerning consumer direction. The study focused on understanding several alternative measures of consumer direction and the factors that are associated with the MCOs concerning those measures.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52163

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Consumer and Counselor Experiences in the Arkansas IndependentChoices Program

This report synthesizes information from in-person interviews with program staff, a mail survey of program counselors, and telephone interviews with consumers who had the opportunity to receive the program allowance. It also discusses the program's goals and features, how consumers managed their responsibilities under it and made use of its flexibility, and levels of consumer satisfaction with the program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52160

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