Long-Term Care

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Long-Term Care: Who Gets It, Who Provides It, Who Pays, And How Much?

Many assume that most of the long-term care population is elderly. Not so, according to this study. About half of community-dwelling Americans needing long-term care are younger than sixty five. Research and data collection focusing solely on older adults with long-term care needs misses half of the story. Recommendations of the study include a redistribution in long-term care spending from institutional to non-institutional settings, and from agencies to independent providers.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52351

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2007 National Home and Hospice Care Medication Data

Link to a public-use data file and to supplementary files containing information about the data collection process and resources to help analyze the numbers. The technical notes file contains information on how the medication data were collected and processed. The data dictionary gives the layout of the 534 variables in this file. The other files provide information to help users search for medications by brand and generic names, and analyze the medication data in the file.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52339

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Understanding Factors That Influence Success of Home- and Community-Based Services in Keeping Older Adults in Community Settings

Read this study that found two significant supportive factors for older adults to remain in communities were use of paid instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) personal care services and awareness of unmet needs. Findings suggest the importance of encouraging older adults to acknowledge their unmet needs and to seek community-based support services early, rather than wait until they have developed more serious needs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52338

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Bringing CLASS to Long-Term Care Through the Affordable Care Act - Themed Issue: Public Policy and Aging Report

With funding from The SCAN Foundation, this issue of PPAR features articles that recount the laborious process that led to realization of the long-term care provisions found in ACA, analyze the key provisions of the legislation, and explore hurdles that are certain to be encountered during program implementation. Authors include national experts from The SCAN Foundation, RTI International, Oxford University, AAHSA, Avalere Health, AARP and Ecumen.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52332

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ServiceLink Resource Center Materials - New Hampshire

The cornerstone of NH’s systems change efforts has been the development of the statewide SLRC network. Find the state’s RFP seeking vendors to operate centers, job description and standards of practice for long term support counselor, a guide produced to help consumers learn about eligibility, and resources from NH’s Choices for Independence Program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52331

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Community Living Program Fact Sheet

AoA launched the CLP initiative in the fall of 2007 with a vision to help states create person-centered programs that reach people at risk of institutionalization before they enter a nursing home. Since 2007, approximately $36 million has been invested in 28 states to develop the CLP program. With the implementation of the 2009 CLP grants, there will be more than 120 CLP program sites nationally. This fact sheet includes the program’s background, AoA’s vision for CLP and a list of the grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52329

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Changing Systems, Changing Lives - 2010 AOA, CMS, and VA Grantee National Meeting

View presentations and handouts associated with this meeting held in Feb. 2010 in Alexandria, VA. Objectives of the meeting included increasing grantees' knowledge of successful strategies to propel their ADRC, CLP, and VDHCBS programs towards fully functioning status, showcasing best practices, promoting peer-to-peer exchange, building workforce capacity and encouraging successful partnerships for achieving sustainable reform. The conference featured a variety of plenary and workshop sessions.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52323

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Supporting Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles

This policy brief addresses opportunities for integrating care for this high-cost, high-need population. The brief outlines the rationale for integrating care for duals, reasons why integration has been slow to progress, and emerging vehicles to accelerate the pace of fully integrated care. A companion resource paper provides additional details on promising integrated care models and the challenges and opportunities for supporting integrated approaches.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52278


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