Long-Term Care

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Trends in Disability, Community Living, and Caregiving: Analysis of Data from the National Long-Term Care Survey

Disability rates among older Americans have declined, and the ways in which community-dwelling older people with disabilities managed their conditions have substantially changed over the 20 years covered by this survey. Among those receiving human assistance, the vast majority were helped by family caregivers, who are increasingly taking full responsibility for providing care. Find detailed analyses of the data in two research reports that provide insight into the factors driving these changes.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52688

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Care Management Practices in Integrated Care Models for Dual Eligibles

State-authorized health plans whose members are qualified to receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits face administrative challenges. This study examines care management practices in four health plans that serve persons who are dually eligible. The authors describe how health plans operationalize their integrated care management approaches and identify a common framework for integrating care.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52687

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Weathering the Storm: The Impact of the Great Recession on Long-Term Services and Supports - Preliminary Findings

States are curtailing optional services, extending waiting lists, cutting provider reimbursement, and taking other measures to cope with the worst economic downturn in 70 years according to a comprehensive 50 state survey. Even as state revenues shrink, the demand for services is increasing. On a brighter note, many states may participate in expanded HCBS services through ACA opportunities. Review preliminary findings presented at the National HCBS Conference in September, 2010.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52686

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FY05 Family-to-Family Report

This report offers a cross-site analysis of the goals, objectives, outputs, outcomes, challenges and barriers of nine FY05 FTF grants. It discusses implementation of the grants, summarizes outputs reported by grantees, and concludes with a discussion of barriers and grantee recommendations for supporting FTF efforts at the state and federal level. Basic information about each grant is included, i.e. title, grantee agency, subcontractors, activities, impacts, outcomes, and accomplishments.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52681

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Annual Report: System and Impact Research and Technical Assistance for CMS FY 2005, FY 2006, and FY 2007 RCSC Grants

Findings in this report focus on what has been learned about the status of grant implementation and factors that facilitate progress early and throughout the implementation period, and progress on grantees’ goals and achievement of Systems Transformation (ST). It presents results for both FY05 and FY06 ST Grantees, builds on findings from the first annual report and focuses on two different stages of implementation for the FY05 grantees (Year 3) and the FY06 grantees(initial 15-months).

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52680

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10-Plus Years After the Olmstead Ruling: Progress, Problems, and Opportunities

Statistics show a significant percentage increase in older persons able to receive LTSS outside of nursing homes, however unnecessary institutionalization is still a routine problem. This report clearly delineates the limitations on progress, including differences in Medicaid structure around nursing home vs. HCBS waiver coverage. The authors recommend specific steps that federal and state governments should take to reduce unnecessary institutionalization.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52676

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Direct Service Workforce and Family Caregivers - CMS Leadership Summit Presentation

Review slides from the CMS Leadership Summit on building capacity and coordinating support for family caregivers and the LTSS direct service workforce, held on September 16-17, 2010. Topics include ACA Opportunities for Family Caregivers and the Direct Care Workforce; Assistance and Support Services for Caregivers; DSW Policy Issues and Challenges; Building Capacity and Coordinating Support for Family Caregivers and the LTSS Direct Care Workforce.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52675

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Lifespan Respite Care Program

Grant awards totaling approximately $2.25 million to 12 states to implement the Lifespan Respite Care Program were recently awarded, adding to the twelve states that received awards in 2009. Lifespan Respite Care programs are coordinated systems of accessible, community-based respite care services for family caregivers of children or adults of all ages with special needs. Find information about the implementation of the program, and learn more about the key activities of each of the grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52673

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SCAN Foundation DataBriefs

Dual eligibles comprise only 17% of the Medicare population but represent 28% of Medicare beneficiaries with five or more chronic conditions. Find key facts and analyses on older Americans and long-term care issues. DataBriefs examine health and supportive services and the people who use them, while exploring opportunities to improve care through the implementation of health reform. Each Databrief is offered in the form of a Powerpoint presentation and one page PDF.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52672


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