Long-Term Care

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Using Medicaid Funding to Support the Employment of People with Disabilities: A Federal Framework

State Medicaid agencies fund supports & services for individuals with disabilities. As national public policy recognizes & emphasizes the ability of individuals with disabilities to work, states are integrating employment supports into the continuum of long-term care in Medicaid. This brief discusses federal legislative & regulatory framework for funding employment supports in Medicaid, highlights examples of state innovations & best practices to promote positive employment outcomes.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53061

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The Importance of Federal Financing to the Nation’s Long-Term Care Safety Net

This brief reviews Medicaid’s importance and limitations when it comes to long-term care and makes the case for strengthening Medicaid’s safety net in one of two ways—assumption of full federal responsibility for Medicare beneficiaries who also rely on Medicaid (so-called “dual eligibles”) or an enhanced federal match for Medicaid long-term care services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53053

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The Senior Disconnect: Millions are Losing Billions in Benefits

One priority for an aging America is to enable older adults to live independently in their homes and communities. For those with limited income or resources, benefits can be a critical resource to receive support and avoid institutionalization. Many miss out on benefits due to lack of awareness, perceived complexity of applications, stigma, & misunderstanding eligibility. The You Gave, Now Save campaign connects eligibles with free & low-cost resources: BenefitsCheckUp & the Eldercare Locator.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53052

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Financial Alignment Models for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: Considerations for Reimbursement

The 9 million individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid often receive care that is fragmented, poorly coordinated, and high-cost. Integrating their care is difficult because of the challenges associated with aligning the programs' financial incentives and reimbursement processes. This brief explores considerations for establishing reimbursement rates and performance incentives for the capitated and managed fee-for-service financial models.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53049

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A Call to Action: What Experts Say Needs to Be Done to Meet the Challenges of Family Caregiving

There are 10 common themes in this summary from the written work of 10 authors of caregiving books. There are 4 areas highlighted at the Forum in which public policies and communities can respond to the needs of family caregivers: greater public education and awareness; more financial relief; better communication, coordination, and collaboration with health care professionals; and heightened recognition of and support for family caregivers in policy initiatives.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53048

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Designing Consumer-Friendly Beneficiary Assignment and Notification Processes for Accountable Care Organizations

Families USA released their latest brief that helps advocates understand the basics of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and their potential for improving patient care. The brief includes the basics, payment and quality measurements, determining shared savings and losses, and beneficiary assignment and notification processes.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53047

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Vermont State Plan on Aging, 2011-2014

This document sets forth the State of Vermont's plan on aging in accordance with Older Americans Act requirements. The plan describes the mission and strategies of Vermont's State Unit on Aging (SUA) to coordinate services for older adults. The Plan contains information on aging demographics, the mission for the duration of the plan, and sets out goals to empower older adults to be more independent, promote wellness, and expand home and community-based services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53046

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Federal Funding and Support for Respite: Building Blocks for Lifespan Respite Systems

This guide lays out information about each federal program that provides or could provide respite funding or support. It is meant to be used by state Lifespan Respite Care Programs & their partners to help identify the funding sources that could be the building blocks for the state’s Lifespan Respite systems, help serve the underserved, build respite capacity & quality and help recruit & retain respite workers, and identify individuals who administer funds for future partnerships.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53044

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A Roadmap to a 21st-Century Disability Policy

Despite decades of increases in program participation and spending, the disability support infrastructure in the United States and the economic independence of people with disabilities have eroded. Rather than tighten eligibility or reduce program benefits, this issue brief proposes gradual programmatic reforms and evidence-based structural changes to improve the economic status of Americans with disabilities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/53040


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