Long-Term Care

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Developing Access Services in Mecklenburg County, NC: The Just1Call Experience

This entry describes the process of the development of Just1Call, a centralized information and assessment resource center in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), NC, from planning to implementation. The posting includes a manual, report, case study, protocal and link to their website.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50261

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Wisconsin's Family Care Final Evaluation Report

The Lewin Group under contract with Wisconsin's Legislative Audit Bureau examined the implementation, early outcomes, and cost effectiveness of the restructuring of Wisconsin’s long-term care system for the elderly, the physically disabled, and the developmentally disabled. The report offers key-findings based on over the past few years evaluation.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50257

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Planning Retreat Presentations: National Vision and Expectations and Systems Overview

Two presentations from the South Carolina Planning Retreat in January 2004 can be found here. A presentation by Susan Reinhard, of the Community Living Exchange Collaborative, focuses on ADRC purpose, goals, and system issues. A presentation by Karen Linkins and Sharon Zeruld, TAE, focuses on national vision and expectations for ADRCs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50249

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NASHP\'s 17th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Gateway to Great Ideas in State Health Policy

This conference was designed to assess state initiatives to improve quality, cost, and access and to help policy makers—from both the executive and legislative branches—identify the most promising and cost effective of these programs and policies. Sessions of interest for grantees include: Quality Challenges in LTC, Self-Direction Sweeping States, Information to Live by...Building Integrated Health Data Systems, Beyond HCBS Waivers, Money Follows the Person, Medicare Modernization Act

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50235

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The Future of Iowa’s Health and Long-Term Care Workforce: The Health and Long-Term Care Workforce Review and Recommendations

This report was prepared for the Iowa legislature and recommends that the state increase Medicare and Medicaid payments in order to increase pay. It also recommends raising public awareness of worker shortages and their impact, creating mentoring programs to prevent turnover/increase retention, and other strategies to strengthen the health and long-term care workforce.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50225

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