Long-Term Care

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Caregivers and Long-Term Care Needs in the 21st Century: Will Public Policy Meet the Challenge?

The number of people needing LTC is expected to increase much faster caregivers after 2015, putting substantial pressure on families, providers & Medicaid. We must start working towards improving efficiency & effectiveness of care delivery. This brief explains that recruiting & retaining direct-care workers requires improving the job, by means such as changing the culture surrounding the work environment as well as changing the duties, responsibilities, supervisory structure & increasing wages.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50203

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Alaska Consumer Assessment Tool (CAT)

The attached files are the instructions for filling out the Alaska Consumer Assessment Tool (CAT) and a copy of the tool. The form was designed to be an objective tool that is easily coded. Each subsection of the manual includes the “how to complete” instructions and the time frames in which to measure the person’s abilities. The design facilitates immediate eligibility determination by the assessor.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50195

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Community Partnerships for Older Adults Website

The Community Partnerships for Older Adults fosters community partnerships to improve long term care and supportive service systems to meet the current and future needs of older adults. This Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program website features a resource center, which showcases the issues involved with creating, maintaining and sustaining a community partnership. Under the section on inclusion and diversity, you can find several resources on developing a culturally competent workforce.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50173

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Options for Improving Medicaid Eligibility: Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century Issue Brief

This April 2004 issue brief on Medicaid eligibility policies is the first in a series designed to share with federal and state policy makers as well as other stakeholders the issues and options being considered by NASHP’s Medicaid Resource Center workgroup as they prepare “Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century”. This brief outlines four key questions to consider when thinking of eligibility issues.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50170

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: South Carolina\'s Services for Older People and People with Physical Disabilities

This report describes South Carolina’s programs for older people and people with physical disabilities to gain access institutional and community Medicaid supports through a single access point, and have increasing opportunities to direct their own services. The report also describes how the state has been particularly innovative in using information technology to improve the quality of community supports and participants’ access to services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50161


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