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Works For Me – Pennsylvania

How is Pennsylvania marketing its MIG program called "Works for Me"? In October 2009, the Works For Me website went live, as did their billboards, TV ads and a direct mail campaign. Attached is a link to the website for this program which offers an audio version of each web page, sample newsletters, brochure, and billboard artwork. These samples could be useful to other states starting a MIG program of their own and/or interested in creating cohesive marketing campaigns.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52502

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Profile of Dual Eligible Beneficiaries - Rhode Island

How do dually eligible beneficiaries affect state MIG grant programs? Rhode Island and the University of RI, College of Pharmacy produced a chart book which highlights demographics, healthcare services, expenditures and the variation in cost by settings of care for seniors and people with disabilities who were enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid between 1995-2005. Objectives and findings are included. An sample of this book is attached and could be helpful to other MIG grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52500

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The Sherlock Plan - Rhode Island

The Sherlock Plan is the name of Rhode Island’s MIG program. It allows qualified working people with disabilities to earn more income without the risk of losing vital health care coverage. To inform consumers about the program, they have provided a plan overview, fact sheets in Spanish and English, and more information on their "Rhodes to Independence" website. Samples of these documents and a link to the site are available.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52499

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Cultural Competence and ADRCs - Issue Brief

How can ADRCs increase their outreach and strengthen their relationship with diverse populations and community-based organizational partners? This brief provides an overview of cultural competence including its definition and how it can be best implemented. Also included are key demographics, barriers to culturally competent service provision, organizational assessment tools, practices and standards, and a list of cultural competence resources that may be useful for ADRC staff.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52494

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An Analysis Of Medicare And Medicaid In Long-Term Care And Suggestions Of Reform – Archived Webinar

An expert explores patterns in services and spending under long-term care programs and examines the rise in HCBS, the existence of waivers from federal and state coverage requirements, and the changing populations who use long-term care services. He concludes with a discussion on the need to reduce the fragmentation and lack of coordination in LTC services by removing the divide between Medicare and Medicaid programs. Listen to the recorded webinar and find Mr. Ng’s published paper.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52493

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Training for new VR OJT Specialists – Utah

How is Utah training Vocational Rehabilitation and On-the-Job Training Specialists? The attached presentations were created by The Employer Relations Specialist for Utah’s State Office of Rehabilitation to address employer relations, successful job development, business and vocational rehabilitation relationships and essential skills for finding and keeping a job. These presentations contain information and resources that could be useful to other MIG grantees interested in training ideas.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52480

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Going to Work with a Disability – Utah

Dispelling myths about employment is key to getting consumers involved in MIG programs. Utah created a presentation which focuses on ”busting” these myths as a way of educating consumers about work incentives. By addressing concerns over loss of social security or feelings that finding job training and employment may be unrealistic, Utah hopes to get the facts about their programs to the people who benefit from them most. It’s an approach that other states could find beneficial.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52479

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Acronym-mania Jeopardy! - Utah

Turning the many acronyms that make up the landscape of MIG programs into something youth with disabilities and their families can understand and utilize is essential in effecting successful transitions from school to employment. Utah created the attached presentation for a workshop designed to break down these acronyms into meaningful opportunities. This playful approach is something that other MIG grantees could find useful.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52478

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Pre and Post Test for SSI,SSDI & Work Incentives - Virginia

Understanding the myriad of rules governing SSI/SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare & related work incentives for people with disabilities is essential in creating successful MIG programs. One tool the state of Virginia is using is a true/false test given to trainees at the beginning, and again at the end of a two day training session. A sample of the test is attached, along with the training agenda and table of contents for the manual used in the training.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52472

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Benefits Planning Academy Course – Washington

Knowledge is key to making work incentive programs successful. With this in mind, the state of Washington created training curricula for those completing WIPA or the state sponsored Ben Plan Academy. The attached presentations outline, in detail, state specific Medicaid work incentives, and include links to additional resources. This training material could be helpful to other states looking for an effective training approach, or sample training materials.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52461


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