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Consumer Handbooks – Minnesota

Here are resources used to educate consumers about MN’s Consumer Directed Community Supports, Personal Care Assistance, and Road to Independence programs. The first handbook gives guidance on the processes and protections of consumer direction and also provides sample care plans and assessments. The handbook on personal care assistance is available in English, Somali and Vietnamese and reviews eligibility, management, and use of services. The last guide assists in moving out of an institution.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51922

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Long-Term Care: Options in an Era of Health Reform

In addition to recommendations for reforming long-term care, this report goes over why it should be reformed and suggests the first steps for accomplishing change in the public and legislative arenas. Finance, service delivery, workforce, and quality are all identified as focus areas for improvement, and options are provided for each. Special attention is paid to low-cost options as a place to start with bipartisan cooperation. The report is accompanied by presentation slides.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51916

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Evaluation Report: Personal Care Assistance - Minnesota

Minnesota’s Legislative Auditor investigates the state of the personal care workforce and the regulation of these services and presents recommendations for improvement. Information is provided on eligibility and access as well as the demographics of people that are assessed for or receiving personal care services. Program traits examined include regulation, expenditure trends, fiscal integrity, and quality. Family caregivers are looked at in the final section.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51915

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Home and Community-Based Services: Public Policies to Improve Access, Cost, and Quality

The trends in state Medicaid HCBS programs, target groups, participants, and expenditures are summarized and policy recommendations are made. The paper shows the progress in providing Medicaid HCBS but also identifies many current problems and policies. Inequities in access to services and limited funds result in unmet needs. Cost issues have been a primary focus of policy makers and quality problems are largely not addressed.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51891

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A Description and Analysis of the Federal and Selected State Policy Frameworks Regarding Order of Selection Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act

When states are unable to serve all those eligible for vocational rehabilitation services, they are obligated to use an “order of selection” and first serve people with the most significant disabilities. The paper informs policymakers, agencies, providers, and consumers about the frameworks used by the federal government and selected states to deal with this issue.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51884

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Senate Committee on Aging Hearing on Health Care Reform in an Aging America

Program administrators, advocates, and researchers advise the Senate on ways to improve wellbeing and cost outcomes of long-term care by increasing access to HCBS. They speak on national demographics, successful HCBS programs of the past and present, state programs in Wisconsin and Florida, integrating acute and long-term care for dual eligibles, and program finance models. See “Video Contents Index” for time stamps and information on each testimony.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51877

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Informational Materials for the MBIWD Project - Ohio

In this collection of informational materials, Ohio outlines what its Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD) program is. Documents include an explanatory booklet, flyer and fact sheets. A website link with the government site that houses these documents, application forms and additional information is also included. While this material was intended for consumer use, it could serve as a guide to other states contemplating or running a similar MIG program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51857

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Understanding Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) – Presentation

The presenters relate information and an Illinois case study on this affordable housing funding strategy. TBRA is tied directly to a MFP recipient’s income level, thereby overcoming limitations of other strategies such as development subsidies and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8). Similar to a voucher, TBRA covers the gab between fair market rent and a percentage of a recipient’s income.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51855

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The Rehabilitation Act: Outcomes for Transition-Age Youth

The purpose of this study is to synthesize data on the impact that the Rehabilitation Act has had on the employment and post secondary education outcomes of eligible youth. It examines how well existing vocational rehabilitation (VR) structures deliver effective transition services. It also looks at the effectiveness of collaboration between VR, education, and other service systems. Finally, 11 recommendations for the U.S. Congress and various relevant federal and state agencies are given.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51825


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