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Independence, Dignity and Choice in Long-Term Care Act 2010 Annual Report – New Jersey

NJ’s charge to advance a Medicaid LTC system where there would be more options for community care, greater consumer choice and allowance for maximum flexibility between nursing homes and HCBS is “definitely showing positive trend lines” according to this report. The state’s Global Budget Projection model offers a budgetary process for tracking and projecting its LTC expenditures. Explore detailed information about the model’s methodology and findings.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52783

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Dual Eligibles: Medicaid Enrollment and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries in 2007

This report provides the latest national and state data on enrollment and spending for individuals enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare, also known as dual eligibles. There were about 8.9 million dual eligibles in 2007. Dual eligibles are among the sickest and poorest individuals covered by either program. Although they comprised 15% of Medicaid enrollment, dual eligibles accounted for 39% ($121 billion) of Medicaid spending for medical services & for more than a quarter of Medicare spending.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52781

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Employment and Social Security Information for Youth - Florida

How is Florida helping their youth with disabilities to transition into the job market and find employment? Find a presentation with information on applying for SSI benefits and work incentives, helpful hints regarding job interviews, as well as sample resumes. These resources could be useful to other states seeking to address this demographic.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52770

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Briefing on State Medicaid Programs, the Recession and Health Reform – Archived Resources

The Kaiser Family Foundation's Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) held a briefing to examine the challenges facing states as they continue to struggle with the lingering impacts of the recession and begin preparing to implement health reform. Find links to three reports released at the event, archived presentations, video, podcast, transcript, agenda and more.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52767

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Staying On Top Of Health Reform: An Early Look At Workforce Challenges In Five States

To better understand the dynamics of the workforce challenges that factor in to the implementation of health reform, an initiative was undertaken to examine the situation in five states (Connecticut, Michigan, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Washington). These states represented a range of geographic and political experiences as they continued to struggle with the lingering impacts of the recession and began preparing to implement health reform. Six key findings are summarized.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52766

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Disability Benefits 101 (DB 101) – Online Resource

DB101 provides online tools, resources and information on health coverage, work and benefits for people with disabilities and those supporting them. Four states (California, Minnesota, Michigan and New Jersey) have their own sites, which include benefits calculators to help individuals understand how a job may affect total income and health coverage, or whether they may qualify for specific state programs. The resource is a product of the Employment and Disability Benefits Initiative.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52758

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Medi-Cal 250% Working Disabled Program Presentations and Resources - California

This program was established so workers with disabilities and earned income under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level could keep coverage by paying a monthly premium. It provides choice and opportunity to Californians with disabilities who would otherwise be ineligible for full scope Medi-Cal coverage due to earned income and work activity. Included are presentations and resources intended to educate consumers on this and other MIG programs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52735

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Money Follows the Person 2009 Annual Evaluation Report – Final Report

States have faced considerable challenges, but by the end of 2009, MFP programs had helped approximately 5,600 people transition to community living. This report describes the program’s status through December 2009, including how states are progressing toward their goals, and provides baseline information for analyses of impacts and outcomes.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52733

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Use of One-Stops by Social Security Disability Beneficiaries in Four States Implementing Disability Program Navigator Initiatives

With federal funding, states have worked to make One-Stop services more accessible to people with disabilities through the Disability Program Navigator (DPN) initiative. This report assesses the extent to which working age recipients of Social Security disability benefits used these services and looks at employment outcomes and differences in utilization and outcomes over time as the initiative matured in the four states studied.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/52730


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