Community Inclusion

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Mental Health Supported Employment: Training and Calculations - Oregon

As an evidence-based practice, supported employment provides people with mental health diagnoses a mainstream job paying at least minimum wage in a setting which provides ongoing support and includes other people who are not disabled. Find a training for professionals embarking on conversion from day treatment to supported employment for persons with mental health issues and baseline calculations by which to begin measuring the effectiveness of this conversion.

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Round Table Discussion Report: Supported Employment for Persons with Developmental Disabilities - Oregon

In February 2006, a Round Table Discussion Meeting was held in Oregon to identify and analyze policies and strategies that maintain or increase the availability of supported employment services to persons with developmental disabilities. The meeting focused on how such services may be preserved and expanded in Oregon, but in addition, national perspectives on supported employment were discussed. The discussion report, evaluation and graphic facilitation of the Round Table are included.

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Inclusive Livable Communities for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

This paper is an expansion of the NCD’s livable community framework (LCF): a set of public policy recommendations for ensuring that people with disabilities have all the opportunities and choices available to people without disabilities. It links key elements of the LCF to specific needs of people with psychiatric disabilities, and discusses stigma and discrimination.

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Quality Indicators for Competitive Employment Outcomes

The indicators provided in this fact sheet serve as a means for self-assessment by employment programs to help make strides toward facilitating competitive and sustainable employment choices for people with disabilities. This tool can also be used to identify both areas of strength to highlight in marketing and areas that need priority attention for improvement.

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Comprehensive Employment Systems (CES) Work Products – North Dakota

This MIG project is focused on assisting individuals with disabilities to become gainfully employed. Included are work products from CES including: a resource mapping project on the availability of employment related services and supports, summaries of findings from focus groups regarding the rehabilitation needs of un-served and under-served populations, and a summary of input gathered from employer focus groups.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Maryland - Encouraging Evidence-Based Practices in Supported Employment

Maryland's vocational rehabilitation and mental health agencies jointly promote supported employment evidence-based practices (EBP) for people with mental illness. The state provides a payment for EBP services and monitors fidelity to EBP. Training, technical assistance, and small, time-limited grants have assisted providers transitioning to EBP. More than two-thirds of Maryland’s supported employment providers either have adopted EBP or are implementing these practices.

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Missouri Business Leadership Network Disability Mentoring Day

The Missouri Business Leadership Network conducted a Disability Mentoring Day in St. Louis in Oct 2006 to give high school students the opportunity to engage in discussion with business leaders about concerns for furthering their education and/or entering the workforce. This program was further designed for students to network with business leaders and, for business leaders to match up with a student to mentor throughout the year. The report includes a summary of findings and recommendations.

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Funding Sources Successfully Used by States to Support Development of Integrated, Affordable, and Accessible Community Housing

This guide offers a quick reference on housing resources that can be used to create integrated, affordable, and accessible housing and basic information on how to use these resources. Including community strategies that increase the amount of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing units that usually fall into three general categories: development of housing units; access to existing housing units; and asset development.

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University of Connecticut - Center for Excellence in Disabilities Website

Established in 1985, the goal of this Center is to develop, implement, and disseminate a coordinated group of applied research, demonstration and training projects directed at meeting the needs of persons with disabilities and their families in community based settings. Visit the website which provides an overview of their Projects, News & Events, Publications (Early Childhood, School Age and Life Span), Early Intervention Specialist Program Trainings and many other resources.

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