Community Inclusion

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The Past and Future Career Patterns of People with Serious Mental Illnesses: A Qualitative Inquiry

The author interviewed individuals with serious mental illnesses to illustrate their experiences, motivations, and ambitions in the workplace. The stories and analysis challenge misconceptions about this population’s abilities and willingness to work. Rich work histories show that the career patterns of this group do not vary dramatically from those of people with less severe mental illnesses.

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Rhodes to Independence – Rhode Island MIG Resources

In 2000, Rhode Island launched an initiative called “Rhodes to Independence” (RTI) to promote systems changes that reduce barriers to employment. RTI focuses on health care, transportation, housing, youth transitions, and diversity. Below, find RTI’s 2005 annual report, a recruitment brochure for the RI Business Leadership Network, and brochures in English and Spanish advertising Sherlock, a health insurance program for employed people with disabilities.

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Colorado Transportation Survey: Aging and Mobility - 2007

A survey of AARP members in CO provides insights into how and why seniors use public transport or drive, and how these habits affect their well-being. The survey showed a heavy reliance on cars for transportation and independence, even when public transport is available. People with multiple health and disability problems were most likely to be isolated and have few transportation alternatives. Data reports are available for the entire state and each of the four urban areas surveyed.

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The Case for Inclusion 2008: An Analysis of Medicaid for Americans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

States are ranked in this report based on the outcomes of Medicaid services provided to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The key outcomes measured are the promotion of independence and meaningful employment, tracking quality and safety, keeping families together, and reaching those in need. Each state’s progress is measured by comparing data from the previous year. This report is issued annually with past editions available on the included website.

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Succeeding in College and at Work: Students with Disabilities Tell Their Stories

Watch Danielle, Alexander, Valeska, and Santara share strategies they used as students with disabilities to successfully graduate from college and get jobs. They discuss their struggles with self-reporting their physical or mental disabilities and negotiating accommodations in school and at work. DVDs are available upon request.

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Amendment to the Ticket To Work and Self-Sufficiency Program; Final Rule

These are the final rules on the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program published May, 2008 by the Social Security Administration. The changes were authorized by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. The rules affect the areas of eligibility, funding for employment networks, and reimbursement allocation and sharing between employment networks and state vocational rehabilitation agencies, among others.

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Oregon Youth Transition Trainings

The first of these two presentations is for volunteer partners who help persons with disabilities and their families integrate employment transition into individual education plans (IEP). It is broad in scope, touching on the rights of the individual and family, employment and training resources, and state supports available. The second training focuses on the policy level and describes the goals, participants, outcomes, and keys to success of a statewide youth transition program.

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Opportunities for Creating Livable Communities

This paper outlines the most common barriers to implementing livable communities and outlines cases where these barriers were overcome using planning and zoning tools. Housing, transportation and mobility, land use, cooperation and communication, public involvement in community planning, and leadership are the components of livable communities that are addressed.

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A Compendium of Three Discussion Papers: Strategies for Promoting and Improving the Direct Service Workforce: Applications to Home and Community-Based Services

This is a compendium of three discussion papers on the topics of direct service workers in long-term care and strategies for improving the quality of their jobs and services. The authors, each with a background that includes consultation and technical assistance on the topics, share the premises that these workers are fundamental to the future and quality of long-term care and that current and projected workforce shortages need to be addressed.

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