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Training Needs of Professionals Who Serve People With I/DD and Mental Health Needs and Their Families

This report explores the need for resources and funding to train professionals on how to better support people who have I/DD and a mental health need. Over the past year, The Arc has conducted focus groups on this subject with 66 stakeholders in Maryland, Indiana, and Florida. The findings from these discussions are highlighted in this report.

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Report on Milestones for Care and Support under the U.S. National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease

The Alzheimer's Association convened the Alzheimer's Association National Plan Care Support Milestone Workgroup, including experts in clinical care, long-term services and supports, dementia care, and support research, and public policy. The workgroup reviewed the current literature regarding Alzheimer's support and care in the U.S. and on a global scale, and developed several milestones to help create a better care and support system.

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Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Supports for Low-Income Older Adults and Family Caregivers

Justice in Aging, with the support of the Albert and Elaine Borchard Center on Law and Aging, released a new paper, Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Low-Income Older Adults and Caregivers. The paper's structure introduces Margaret and her story of being a family caregiver, discusses the problems as a result of the strain of poverty on low-income family caregivers and then offers solutions to help support older adults and their caregivers.

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Developing Capitation Rates for Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs: State Considerations

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), in partnership with Mathematica Policy Research and Airam Actuarial Consulting, released an issue brief on the state considerations when setting capitation rates for Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) programs. CHCS and its partners examined the considerations taken by eight states (Arizona, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin) as they established their MLTSS rates.

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2015 White House Conference on Aging Final Report

The White House released the final report from the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA). President Barack Obama hosted the sixth WHCOA on July 13, 2015. Prior to the conference, events were hosted all over the United States to allow stakeholders to provide their input. The final report summarizes the work done both at the WHCOA and during the pre-conference activities and feedback elicited throughout the process.

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