public health emergency

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Updated Vaccine Toolkit for Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic Health Program

On Monday, February 12, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an updated State Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic Health Program Vaccine Toolkit. This updated toolkit serves as a consolidated and comprehensive compilation of vaccination policies, including related flexibilities and coverage and payment requirements, for states to consider as they transition away from the COVID-19 public health emergency and implement Inflation Reduction Act coverage requirements. It also includes additional considerations states may make to enhance vaccination coverage and access, including provider qualifications, immunization registries, and payment considerations.

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CMS Public Health Emergency Resource Update

In light of the Biden-Harris Administration announcing their intent to end the public health emergency (PHE), CMS has created a suite of updated resources to provide guidance around the unwinding. All tools can be found on the CMS Emergencies Page of their website. Guidance includes but is not limited to, a fact sheet for information about PHE waiver flexibilities, Acute Hospital at Home information, and the CMS 1135 Waiver/ Flexibility request inquiry form. The CMS Emergencies Page will be updated continuously as the end of the PHE nears. CMS encourages regular visits to the page for the most up to date information regarding PHE unwinding.

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The Unexpected Benefits of a State Master Plan for Aging

A Master Plan for Aging (MPA) is a cross-sector, state-led strategic planning process that can help states transform the infrastructure and coordination of services that support older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.This brief outlines unexpected benefits of the MPA process, and illustrates how they can help states respond to new priorities and challenges, such as public health emergencies and health equity.

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State Health Official Letter - Updated Guidance Related to Planning for the Resumption of Normal State Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic Health Program (BHP) Operations Upon Conclusion of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

CMS released a SHO letter with updated guidance to assist states in planning for resuming normal state Medicaid, CHIP, and BHP operations for the eventual end of the public health emergency. The SHO provides updated guidance regarding the extended timeframe for states to complete pending work in eligibility and enrollment to up to 12 months after the PHE ends and redetermination of eligibility requirements states must complete after the PHE for all beneficiaries before taking adverse actions.

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