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Data Book: Beneficiaries Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) and the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) released a data book that presents information of dually-eligible beneficiaries. The information includes demographics, other personal characteristics, expenditure, and health care utilization of the dual-eligibles. This data book is the third in a series that serves to create a better understanding of this population and how they tend to use available services.

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Medicare and Medicaid: Additional Oversight Needed of CMS's Demonstration to Coordinate the Care of Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) began the Financial Alignment Demonstration in 2013 to improve care coordination. GAO was asked to examine care coordination under this demonstration. On January 19, The Government Accountability Office publicly released a report with their recommendations for CMS. GAO recommends that CMS develop new measures and align the current measures to improve oversight of care coordination.

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Medicare Chronic Care Management Services Payment: Implications for States Serving Dually Eligible Individuals

The Integrated Care Resource Center published a brief on the the implications of Medicare chronic care management services for states serving dually eligible individuals. In January 2015 a new payment system for Medicare chronic care management (CCM) became effective. This brief provides an overview of the new payment system and offers states different opportunities for more effective coordination of care with their contracting plans.

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It Pays to Shop: Variation in Out-of-Pocket Costs for Medicare Part D Enrollees in 2016

The Kaiser Family Foundation released an issue brief that analyzes the cost of Medicare Part D drug plans, specifically out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries. A major finding from the brief showed that Medicare Part D enrollees may pay thousands of dollars of out-of-pocket costs if they require a specialty drug, even after exceeding the catastrophic coverage threshold. This study's findings emphasize how important it is for beneficiaries to diligently shop for new plans each year.

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The Impact of Employment on the Health Status and Health Care Costs of Working-age People with Disabilities

The LEAD Center published a policy brief that examines the impact of employment programs on health care costs for working-age people with disabilities. People with disabilities are responsible for a disproportionate amount of healthcare spending each year, mainly through Medicare and Medicaid. Employment of people with disabilities shows a "protective impact" on health, which would ultimately help to lower public spending on health care for this population.

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Medicaid's Role for People with Dementia

The Kaiser Family Foundation published an issue brief of the role of Medicaid for People living with dementia. Individuals with dementia generally require a multitude of medical and behavioral health services. Medicare covers some services for this population but there are gaps where Medicaid may need to fill in for payment of long term services and supports (LTSS) for low-income people. This brief includes a fact sheet for explain the role of Medicaid for people with dementia.

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Engaging Providers in Integrated Care Programs for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: Tips for States

The Integrated Care Resource Center released a brief that offers tips for engaging providers in integrated care programs for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees. Integrated care programs are successful when a broad spectrum of providers are engaged in the process. This brief provides states with tips on how to engage physicians, hospitals, nursing facilities, and community-based service providers that serve Medicare and Medicaid enrollees.

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2015 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds

The Medicare Board of Trustees released their annual report to Congress on the financial operations and actuarial status of Medicare on July 22, 2015. The report included a projection indicating that the trust fund will remain solvent until 2030, which is 13 years longer than the 2009 prediction. Medicare covered 53.8 million people last year and the report provides a break down of the expenditures of each individual part of Medicare and its overall cost.

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Long Term Care in America: Americans' Outlook and Planning for Future Care

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducted a study to examine the policy issue of long term care and its financing. This research investigated the awareness, attitudes, and understanding of long term care by Americans over the age of 40 through three different studies. The studies have explored diverse issues surrounding long term care like the caregiving experience, person-centered care experiences, and opinions on long term care policy.

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