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Toward Seamless Coverage: Identifying Enrollment Gaps and Opportunities in Medicare Transitions for People with Expansion Medicaid

This new report developed by the Medicare Rights Center for the National Council on Aging shares how some states are working to ensure seamless coverage for low-income individuals transitioning from expansion Medicaid to Medicare. The report highlights promising state-specific practices that other states might adopt, as well as barriers that states will work through in their own ways, seeking the most seamless coverage possible for lower-income older adults and people with disabilities.

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Top 10 Recommendations to Strengthen Integrated Care: Lessons from California’s Dual Eligible Demonstration

This brief from the SCAN Foundation summarizes lessons learned and offers recommendations for improving integrated systems of care for people with Medicare and Medicaid, also known as dually eligible individuals. The brief draws from three years of California’s Cal MediConnect evaluation results.

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Medicaid Agency Partnerships with State Health Insurance Programs: Opportunities to Improve Care for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees

This brief from the Integrated Care Resource Center discusses opportunities for Medicaid agencies to partner with State Health Insurance Programs (SHIPs). Every state has a SHIP that is responsible for providing counseling and assistance for people with Medicare and their families. This brief highlights approaches used by Arizona, Massachusetts, and Texas, where SHIPs and Medicaid agencies have worked together to educate Medicare-Medicaid enrollees on new care delivery options.

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2016 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds

The Medicare Board of Trustees issued the 2016 report to Congress on the financial operations and actuarial status of the program. Medicare is the second-largest social insurance program in the U.S., with 55.3 million beneficiaries. The trustees projected that the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will remain fully funded until 2028, 11 years longer than projected before the Affordable Care Act. Further analysis of expenditure growth overall and each part of the program is included in the report.

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Evaluation of the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative: Second Annual Report

Mathematica Policy Research released a report that evaluated the implementation and impacts of Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) initiative over its first two years. In October of 2012, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched the CPC initiative to test a new model of care delivery for about 500 primary care practices. This report also evaluates how different factors, like participation, have changed.

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Predicting 30- to 120-Day Readmission Risk among Medicare Fee-for-Service Patients Using Nonmedical Workers and Mobile Technology

Hospital readmissions are a large source of wasteful healthcare spending, and current care transition models are too expensive to be sustainable. One way to circumvent cost-prohibitive care transition programs is complement nurse-staffed care transition programs with those staffed by less expensive nonmedical workers. A major barrier to utilizing nonmedical workers is determining the appropriate time to escalate care to a clinician with a wider scope of practice.

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Evaluation of the Initiative to Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations among Nursing Facility Residents: Final Annual Report Project Year 3

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the annual Nursing Facility initiative report. This report summarizes the impacts from the three-year-old initiative that tests the ways to reduce avoidable hospitalizations. Research from CMS shows that "approximately 45%" of hospitalizations could be prevented with the proper interventions. This report uses the data from experience during the second performance year of the initiative in 2014.

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