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Enticing Dually Eligible Beneficiaries to Enroll in Integrated Care Plans

The Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI) is intended to improve the quality of care and reduce spending for low-income people who are dually eligible. Mathematica researchers conducted a study to identify reasons for the varying participation rates across states. This brief explores the details of two major factors: passive enrollment and demonstration/MLTSS alignment.

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Medicare Plan Finder: Usability Problems and Incomplete Information Create Challenges for Beneficiaries Comparing Coverage Options

The GAO released a report to the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means summarizing findings of a survey sent to State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP) directors about the usability of the Medicare Plan Finder (MPF) website. The MPF website is a resource for comparing Medicare coverage options to help beneficiaries make informed decisions about their coverage. The report also includes other areas of improvement to make the website more user-friendly.

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Medicare Part D Extra Help Continued Assistance: Redeeming, Redetermination, and Reassignment

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) released a fact sheet that provides information for the Medicare Extra Help/Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS). The fact sheet includes information on redeeming, redeterminations, and reassignment for the LIS/Extra Help program.

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Support And Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: SASH Evaluation Findings, 2010-2016

This new report from ASPE and HUD examines the Support And Services at Home (SASH) program from 2010-2016. The SASH program uses affordable housing properties as a method for delivering services to older adults and individuals with disabilities living in Vermont. The study used a mixed-methods evaluation to examine the effects of the SASH program on health care utilization outcomes, Medicaid expenditures, and Medicare expansion.

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Socially Vulnerable Older Adults & Medical-legal Partnership

This issue brief discusses the pressing legal needs of older adults and the ways that coordinating health care, legal, and social services can improve their well-being. The brief examines three medical-legal partnership programs serving older adults and explores their impact, including the prevention of homelessness and the improvement of financial stability.

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The Financial Hardship Faced by Older Americans Needing Long-Term Services and Supports

This study analyzes the financial burden experienced by people who require long-term services and supports. The study analyzes medical and LTSS spending among older Medicare beneficiaries, particularly the costs of assistive devices and personal care. The results show that for medical services covered by Medicare, beneficiaries with a high need for long-term services spend more than $2,700 a year out of pocket on average, twice as high as those without such need.

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Expansion Medicaid Transitions Guide

This guide is intended to educate state advocates nationally about the expansion Medicaid-to-Medicare transition process, assist them in troubleshooting problems their clients are facing, and guide them as they explore potential improvements to current processes. State advocates can use this guide as a roadmap to help residents access Medicare and other insurance programs and ensure that Medicare beneficiaries receive the benefits for which they are eligible.

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