health coverage

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Access to Adult Dental Care Gets Renewed Focus in ACA Marketplace Proposal

On March 8, KFF released a policy watch discussing a new proposal in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2025 that aims to expand access to adult dental care in Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plans. The HHS Benefit and Payment Parameters Notice for 2025 proposes to remove the prohibition on the classification of routine adult dental health coverage as an essential health benefit (EHB). Under this proposed rule, states would have the option of classifying adult dental care as an EHB. If a state chose to classify adult dental health as an EHB, the state (or the federal government as a fallback) would be required to enforce the same ACA protections for adult dental coverage that apply to other EHBs...

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Health Insurance State Innovation Waivers and Older Adults: A Guide for States

Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers can help improve the health insurance market and lower premiums for consumers, including older adults, but can also cause harm if used the wrong way. This guide provides background on State Innovation Waivers and highlights five key steps that states should take to understand and evaluate the impact of these waivers on older adults.

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