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Work Matters: Making Progress in Employment for People with Disabilities

This new report is an update to a SEED report published in 2016 and includes legislation and executive actions enacted since the 2016 report. These updates are organized into five policy themes for inclusive employment: laying the groundwork, preparing for work, getting to and accessing work, staying at work; and self-employment and entrepreneurship. The updated report also highlights success stories from recent disability-inclusive policy efforts and actions in the states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72112

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The Economic Impact of Age Discrimination

This new report from AARP explores the impact of age discrimination. The report measures the missed growth that the U.S. economy could have captured with better hiring practices and workplace retention initiatives. Findings show that the U.S. missed out on a potential $850 billion in GDP in 2018 and could lose out on $3.9 trillion in 2050 without intervention. The report also discusses how we can overcome age discrimination and capture the benefits of age inclusion in the future.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71931

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The 2019 Youth Transition Report: Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities

This report presents educational and employment data for youth and young adults with and without disabilities. It highlights the gap between youth with disabilities and those without disabilities on key measures of educational and employment success. This first report includes the status of the selected population, education, employment, and opportunity youth indicators. Future reports will also include a longitudinal trend analysis of these indicators.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71861

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AARP Employment Data Digest September 2019

AARP's Public Policy Institute (PPI) publishes a monthly update on employment numbers for people ages 55 and over. This report draws from monthly data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. AARP PPI has recently released its September 2019 version of the digest. Although the job rate growth slowed slightly, the unemployment rate declined to 3.5 percent overall, and 2.4 percent for people ages 55 and older.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71773

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State Strategic Planning for Employment First

This strategic planning manual helps states develop a strategic process to increase Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) for people with disabilities. This manual is designed as a guide for state leadership teams and facilitators working to create a statewide cross-systems Employment First strategic plan. It is intended to help states strategically align their policy and programs to further CIE as the first priority for all individuals with disabilities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71430

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Older Americans in the Workforce

This report examines older adults in the workforce. It uses data on retirement-age Americans’ incomes, health, and activities gathered from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). An increasing number of older adults are participating in the labor force, many of them college-educated. This participation growth is driven largely by improved health.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71363

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Financial Well-being of Older Americans

This report explores the factors that are associated with the financial well-being of older Americans. It looks at the association of financial well-being and a range of topics including employment and retirement; housing situation; debt; family and living arrangement; health-related experience; and financial knowledge, skill, and behavior. The findings indicate that, in general, financial well-being increases with age into the late seventies, then declines.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/71052


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