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Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a comprehensive guide titled "Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis," which provides essential information for individuals and families navigating life after a dementia diagnosis. Covering health care planning, financial considerations, long-term care planning, and end-of-life planning, this resource underscores the importance of early preparation. It also offers detailed guidance on advance directives, financial planning tools, strategies for long-term care, and tips and checklists that can help individuals get started on what to do after an Alzheimer’s or related dementia diagnosis.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/75673

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On Pins and Needles: Caregivers of Adults with Mental Illness

The National Alliance for Caregiving, in collaboration with Mental Health America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, released a report surrounding the topic of caregivers of adults with mental illness. "At least 8.4 million Americans are providing care to an adult with an emotional or mental health issue, and nearly three quarters report that caregiving causes high emotional stress." This report examines the inadequacies the families of individuals with mental illness face in the U.S.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/67425

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