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Measuring and Monitoring the Adequacy of the DirectCare Workforce and Impacts on Unmet Need: Landscape Scan of Data Sources and Opportunities for Future Research

A recent report from Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) and the Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) at Brandeis University highlights recommendations to inform future research, policy, and practice that aim to advance efforts to improve standardized data collection and reporting, to better understand the impacts of direct-care workforce shortages, and to drive critical investments in the direct-care workforce. To inform this exploratory study, LTQA and CLPC conducted six focus groups and four key informant interviews with managed-LTSS health plans, home-care providers, self-direction experts, fiscal intermediaries, state-association representatives, and other policy experts and advocates...

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/75481

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Four Ways to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce

States are often exploring ways to effectively support direct care workers, who are often times women, people of color, and living at or near the poverty level. This blog post explores four key recommendations for states to strengthen their direct care workforce, with an emphasis on state Medicaid agencies. The post draws from a CHCS report which focused on strategies used in the state of Michigan.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/73476

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