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Talking About Complex Care: A Guide for Clear and Effective Messaging

This new communications resource, developed by CHCS and the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers’ National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs, identifies clear and consistent language that can help strengthen the complex care community. The language represented in the guide reflects perspectives of stakeholders and people with lived experiences, and is intended to support providers, program leaders, consumer advocates and communications professionals in developing complex care approaches.

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Culture and Person-Centered Practices Video Series

Acknowledging and understanding an individual's racial and cultural identities is essential for providing person-centered supports with cultural competence. There are limited resources that directly address the intersection of culture, language, and identity with person-centered practice. The NCAPPS community has published a series of short videos that narrate how personcenteredness relates to race and culture. More videos will be released over the next several month.

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Report and Recommendations: Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation through Community Networks

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report about how to fight elder financial exploitation by using community networks. CFPB also offered specific recommendations as to existing networks and stakeholders to assist in the fight against exploitation.

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National Study of Long-Term Care Providers 2014 Data Briefs

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has four new reports available from the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (NSLTCP). The data briefs and state tables use survey data from NCHS’ 2014 NSLTCP. NSLTCP provides reliable, accurate, relevant, and timely statistical information to support and inform long-term care services policy, research, and practice.

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Medicaid's Role for People with Dementia

The Kaiser Family Foundation published an issue brief of the role of Medicaid for People living with dementia. Individuals with dementia generally require a multitude of medical and behavioral health services. Medicare covers some services for this population but there are gaps where Medicaid may need to fill in for payment of long term services and supports (LTSS) for low-income people. This brief includes a fact sheet for explain the role of Medicaid for people with dementia.

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Principles for Improving Financing and Delivery of Long Term Services and Supports and Vision of a Better Future for People Needing Long Term Services and Supports

Convergence Center for Policy Resolution and the Long Term Care Financing Collaborative released two papers regarding the affordability and vision for delivery of long term care in the United States. The papers reflect the idea that the role of families and communities must be recognized when delivering long term services and supports. Additionally, giving elders the ability to finance their own care increases independence and autonomy and allows for support of family members and communities.

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