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Using Medicaid Levers to Support Health Care Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations

This fact sheet outlines strategies to help Medicaid stakeholders encourage partnerships between community-based organizations and health care organizations. States can provide: (1) financial support to build and sustain program capacity; (2) assistance in identifying metrics for evaluation; (3) incentives to providers to address social determinants of health; and (4) use of policy levers, including value-based contracts, managed care organization regulations, and state plan amendments.

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Partnership Assessment Tool for Health

This tool was designed for community-based organizations and health care organizations in existing partnerships. It provides a template to understand progress toward benchmarks characteristic of effective partnerships, identify areas for further development, and guide strategic conversation. This tool is meant to help partnering organizations work together more effectively and maximize their impact.

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Back to Basics: How to Make Stakeholder Engagement Meaningful for Your Company

This is a resource about how to make stakeholder engagement meaningful for your company. It includes measuring the value of investing in engagement as a part of your stakeholder engagement strategy. Page 16 describes information to document during the engagement process in order to measure success.

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Corporate Stakeholder Engagement, Metrics, and Reporting: Aligning corporations and stakeholders to advance global citizenship

This article outlines a three-phase stakeholder engagement process. Phase three is described as stakeholder engagement, which includes measuring and monitoring results. See the section on phase three for more information.

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Using Consumer Satisfaction Information for Planning

This training from the Independent Living Research Utilization Program (ILRU) provides information on how you can gather feedback and input directly from consumers in your state to improve Independent Living programs. The presentation includes information about methods to gather and analyze data. Part 1 is about gathering information and part 2 is about implementing improvements.

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