Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

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When COVID-19 May Be Considered a Disability

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has added a new section to its COVID-19-related technical assistance to clarify when COVID-19 may be considered a disability and how this can impact employers, employees, and job applicants. The new section provides examples of when COVID-19 or disabilities arising from conditions that were caused or worsened by COVID-19, may meet the definition of disability under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. It also addresses nondiscrimination protections provided to employees and job applicants under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.

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Advancing data capacity to improve inclusion of people with disabilities

As HHS commemorates the anniversary of the ADA, the Office of Behavioral Health, Disability, and Aging Policy (BHDAP) is working to advance data capacity to generate evidence to implement policies, programs, and practices that promote inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in society. This blog post introduces the BHDAP's project, Dataset on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, which builds data capacity for person-centered outcomes research for people with ID/DD.

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NIDILRR Director Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt reflects on the impact of the ADA

Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt reflects on the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in honor of its 31st anniversary. In this blog post, she writes about her experiences advocating for disability rights as a disabled woman, and how the ADA, along with her intersectional identity has impacted her life through high school, college, and into her career.

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Creating an Accessible Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities and Older Adults

A coalition of aging and disability groups, including ADvancing States, partnered to develop a guide to making vaccination sites fully accessible to older adults and people with disabilities. The recommendations included in the guide address significant gaps in accessibility of vaccine administration sites and can go a long way toward increasing vaccination rates in these vulnerable populations.

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Disability-Inclusive Telework for States: State Approaches to Increasing Access and Inclusion

This document provides guidance to state policymakers on developing more inclusive telework policies and programs. It includes an overview of workplace protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pertaining to telework; details the components of state telework programs; and indicates how each component can be modified to better accommodate all employees. This brief also offers best practices states are using to advance inclusion in their telework programs.

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