HCBS challenges

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#CareCantWait: How Do Inadequate Home- and Community-Based Services Affect Community Living and Health Outcomes?

The NIDILRR-funded Community Living Policy Center published a research brief discussing the results of a recent study of the long-term services and supports needs of people with disabilities and older adults in the US. The study explores how many people need more services than they currently receive and the connection between unmet HCBS needs and community living and health outcomes. The brief describes study findings and potential next steps for researchers and service providers to address gaps in services and supports.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/73258

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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services: Selected States' Program Structures and Challenges Providing Services

State Medicaid programs are increasingly opting to cover home and community-based services. This report looks at the efforts of various state Medicaid programs, examines their structure, and highlights the challenges encountered. From this review, GAO highlights three main challenges: 1) difficulty recruiting and retaining home care workers, 2) difficulty serving those with complex needs and, 3) limited funding for HCBS services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/70785

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