CMS Proposes Revisions to 1915(c) Waiver Application and Technical Guide
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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted proposed updates to the 1915(c) Waiver Application and Technical Guide for public comment. Comments are due to CMS by Monday, November 13.
CMS is proposing technical updates and revisions throughout both documents to align with current requirements, such as adding an option for states to indicate whether HCBS can be delivered via telehealth, removing references to Statewide Transition Plans, and integrating settings criteria with person-centered service planning requirements.
CMS is proposing technical updates and revisions throughout both documents to align with current requirements, such as adding an option for states to indicate whether HCBS can be delivered via telehealth, removing references to Statewide Transition Plans, and integrating settings criteria with person-centered service planning requirements.