The State of Senior Hunger in America 2013: An Annual Report |
A Long Road Ahead: Achieving True Parity in Mental Health & Substance Use Care |
Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2011 |
Medicaid: Additional Federal Action Needed to Further Improve Third-Party Liability Efforts |
Expanding Specialized Transportation: New Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act |
Community-Based Organizations and MLTSS: An Issue Brief to Assess CBO Readiness |
Medicaid-Financed Institutional Services: Characteristics of Nursing Home and ICF/IID Residents and Their Patterns of Care |
Transitions from Medicare-Only to Medicare-Medicaid Enrollment |
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease: A Literature Review |
An Investigation of Interstate Variation in Medicaid Long-Term Care Use and Expenditures Across 40 States in 2006 |