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Project 2020: Building on the Promise of Home and Community-Based Services

The goal of this coordinated national campaign from n4a & NASUA is to provide the resources to implement consumer-centered and cost effective long-term care strategies authorized in the 2006 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. Empower the Aging Services Network to implement these strategies through a three-pronged program encompassing person centered access to information, evidence-based disease management and health promotion activities, and enhanced home and community-based services.

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The Aging Network and Care Transitions: Preparing your Organization Toolkit

A new resource for organizations within the Aging Network that are interested in developing a care transitions program, providing information, tools and case studies. Chapters for the toolkit include: Getting Started, Taking Time to Plan, Developing Effective Partnerships with Health Care Providers, Measuring for Success, Building Organizational Capacity, Implementation and Day-to-Day Operations. The toolkit can be downloaded by sections or in its entirety.

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Technical Assistance Center for Caregiver Programs - Website

Explore this site to find upcoming and archived training events, news from the Lifespan Respite and Aging networks, and the Center’s newsletter. The Technical Assistance Centers are a partnership between Family Caregiver Alliance and the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. Find tools needed for the efficient development and delivery of caregiver support services, best practices, policy & advocacy efforts, and to connect with fellow professionals from the aging networks.

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS)

This innovative disability and health data tool uses data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to identify disparities in health between adults with and without disabilities. Find data on a range of health indicators for your state and compare the health of adults with and without disabilities and certain health conditions. Maps, data tables and state profiles are available.

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Behavioral Health Treatment Needs Assessment Toolkit for States

In an effort to assist state agencies in planning for the specific behavioral health needs of emerging populations in their state, this toolkit provides state and national estimates of behavioral health disorders and program utilization, as well as step-by-step instructions to generate projections of health benefits, services and providers that will need to be addressed in the future. This resource can be helpful for mental health and substance use agencies, health plans, and Medicaid agencies.

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Aging and Disability Network Participant Direction Toolkit

Review this one-stop resource created by a team of agencies to help providers better understand, develop, and sustain participant-directed programs. The information is applicable whether funded by the Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, State funds or other. The toolkit has two parts: one devoted to designing, managing and evaluating programs; the second on Financial Management Services (FMS). Resources include articles, forms, webinar recordings, state examples and charts.

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State Policy Toolkit for Advancing Falls Prevention

This Toolkit is designed to give state and local coalitions the strategies, tools, and resources to make a real impact on falls and fall-related injuries and deaths. It offers a rich compendium of suggested policy changes to advance falls prevention, categorized under eight major goals. It outlines the opportunities, strategies, and examples of what is possible through education and engagement of key stakeholders.

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Workplace Flexibility Toolkit

This unique Workplace Flexibility Toolkit provides useful valuable information to employees, employers, policymakers, and researchers related to time and place, but also around task, a unique workplace flexibility strategy related to ODEP's Customized Employment research-based data. The Toolkit also provides case studies, fact and tip sheets, issue briefs, reports, articles, websites, other toolkits, and frequently-asked questions. There are currently 172 resources in the toolkit.

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Self-Management Education Programs for People with Chronic Conditions

This document aims to guide providers of self-management education (SME) chronic condition programs in efforts to assure high-quality services are available over the long-term. This guide is a synthesis of practical experience and evidence-based strategies to help SME providers achieve sustainability. It provides a process for exploring critical issues in the areas of revenue, marketing, referral networking, service operations, evaluation, community support, advocacy, and resource linkages.

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