State Medicaid Director's letters

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: Risk Management and Quality in HCBS

As part of an on-going effort to share information on quality, CMS has offered a series of letters and progress reports. This eighth letter discusses and a new resource: <i>Risk Management and Quality in HCBS: Individual Risk Planning and Prevention, System-Wide Quality Improvement</i>. The letter address the interrelated steps for Successful risk management for individuals in HCBS waivers.

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CMS letter to State Medicaid Directors: Release of LTC/MDS Data

This letter dated February 18, 2005 provides guidance on CMS disclosure of LTC/MDS data to State Medicaid Agencies, Section 1915 Waiver Programs, and “Real Choice Systems Change Grant” Programs in order to assist states in their efforts to comply with the integrated care setting and reasonable accommodation requirements of Title II of the ADA. Share this letter with appropriate state agency staff and designated entities that are working on waiver and grant programs.

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CMS Letter: Software for the Participant Experience Survey (PES) – Elderly/Disabled Version

This communication is part of CMS’ on-going effort to share information about developments in the field that positively impact the quality of services & supports provided through the Medicaid HCBS program. Participant Experience Survey (PES) – Elderly/Disabled Software arrived with this memo. The software automatically calculates the indicators & generates a report. A link below provides information on how to obtain a copy. This letter is also referred to as HCBS Quality Communication #6.

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CMS Letter: CMS Future Actions for HCBS Quality-Status Updates

In Sept. 2003, CMS released the first in a series of communications on home and community-based services (HCBS) quality. The purpose of this seventh in the series of HCBS Quality Communications is to share the most recent status report on the progress CMS has made in implementing the “CMS Future Actions for HCBS Quality in 2003 - Status Updates.” CMS recently provided this status report to the General Accounting Office (GAO), at its request. Letter referred to as HCBS Quality Communication #7.

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CMS Letter: Quality Framework for Home and Community-based Services

In Sept 2003, CMS released the first in a series of communications on quality that transmitted a letter from Secretary Thompson to Senator Grassley and Senator Breaux regarding the “CMS Future Actions for HCBS Quality in 2003.” This letter is the most recent correspondence from Secretary Thompson to Senator Grassley and Senator Breaux transmitting a follow up report on the progress CMS has made in implementing. This letter is also referred to as CMS Quality Communication #5.

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CMS Letter: Quality in Home and Community-Based Services

This letter dated September 11, 2003 is the first in a series of communications on quality in home and community-based services (HCBS). These communications will inform you of current CMS efforts, new technical assistance products, and future CMS activities related to improving HCSBS quality. This letter is also referred to as CMS Quality Communication #1.

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CMS letter to State Medicaid Directors: Additional Examples and Clarification Money Follows the Person

On September 17, 2003, CMS sent a letter to state Medicaid directors addressing the principles of Money Follows the person. This letter is a follow up to the August 13, 2004 letter. Because the concept has been widely discussed in “Open Door” forums, this letter provides additional examples and clarification of the concept.

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CMS Letter: The Transition of Individuals from Institutional to Community Settings Through Medicaid Coverage of Medical Equipment Costs

In this letter, CMS outlines several methods by which states may facilitate the transition of individuals from institutional to community settings through Medicaid coverage of medical equipment (ME) costs. This letter also serves to reiterate the July 25, 2000, State Medicaid Directors’ letter on this issue and to encourage states to explore this opportunity for persons with disabilities.

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: Money Follows the Person

More states than ever are re-directing Medicaid funds to keep more people out of institutions and living in their own communities and homes, and there are many approaches that states can use to accomplish this, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said August 17th in a letter to state Medicaid directors. In addition there is a link to the two previously sent State Medicaid Directors letters, which are referenced in the letter.

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