Request for proposals

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Request for Proposals: Measuring Quality through Individual Experience Surveys

The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) issued a RFP for an independent contractor to conduct consumer surveys by soliciting consumer feedback. DADS provides a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports, and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities. The project will survey people recieving services through face to face interviews and mailings. This document serves as a guide for other grantees looking to prepare an RFP.

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West Virginia Real Choice Youth Transition Program: Request for Proposals

The WV Real Choice program is providing incentive funding to parent/family based organizations. The funds will be awarded to organizations such as Parent Educator Resource Centers, WV Parent Training and Information, Family Resource Networks and other family-based organizations to implement best practices in middle and secondary education regarding youth transition that use a person-centered approach. This RFP is an great example for other states structuring similar requests.

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Promote and Implement Best Practices: in Youth Transition: Request for Proposals

The WV Real Choice Systems Change Project and WVATS are providing incentive funding to parent/family based organizations. These funds will be awarded to organizations such as Parent Educator Resource Centers, WV Parent Training and Information, Family Resource Networks and other family-based organizations to implement best practices in middle and secondary education regarding youth transition that uses a person-centered approach. Applications are due September 15, 2005.

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Rehabilitation Research and Training Center: Mental Health Consumer-Centered and Community-Based Practices Request for Proposal

The Department of Education has announced an invitation for applications to support Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers focused on Mental Health Consumer-Centered and Community-Based Practices and Supports. Applications are due August 16, 2005. Estimated Available Funds: $1,300,000. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.133B-3

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Ticket to Work Request for Proposal

The Ticket to Work Program is a Social Security Administration employment and healthcare initiative for Social Security Beneficiaries who want to work. The goal is to increase opportunities and choices for disability beneficiaries to find employment, vocational rehabilitation, and other support services through a pool of providers known as Employment Networks (ENs). If your organization is interested you can download the Application and RFP. This is a non-competitive, open-ended award process.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Program: 2006 Solicitation

CMS was soliciting proposals from states to develop the infrastructure to support competitive employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Funding for this program is intended to facilitate enhancements to state Medicaid programs and services, to promote linkages between Medicaid and other employment-related service agencies and to develop a comprehensive system of employment supports for people with disabilities. Applications due 07/07/05. Funding Opportunity: HHS-2005-CMS-MIG-0006

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2005 Solicitation Package: Real Choice Systems Change Grants

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invite proposals for grants in three categories: a. Family-to-Family Health Care Information and Education Centers b. Systems Transformation Grants c. Aging & Disability Resource Centers. In FY 05, during the consolidated appropriations process, Congress appropriated $39 million to fund a new round of RCSC grants. States and other eligible organizations, in partnership with their disability & aging communities, may submit proposals until 7/7/05.

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North Carolina\'s Information and Referral Vendor RFP

North Carolina issued a Request for Proposal notice for an information and referral vendor to serve the ADRC program in February 2005. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for the implementation of an integrated cost-effective commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solution that will provide a scalable and flexible Information & Referral (I&R) data management system that incorporates both a central web-accessible I&R data repository and individual I&R services, with minimal customization.

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Indiana Automated Case Management Software RFP

The Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) released an RFP for a statewide-automated case management system that included case management, overall tracking & control of cases, person centered planning to formulate & monitor individually centered plans of service, management & control of provider claims, direct linkage to all state systems, outcome-related information, waiting list management to track unmet demands by type of service and individual, & electronic billing to include Medicaid.

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File Downloads / Links website allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies. The single access point for over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies you can search for grants and register for email notification of opportunities . The US Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for this initiative that will have an unparalleled impact on the grant community.

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