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Pilot Impact Report - Vermont

The Vermont Offset Pilot Demonstration is one of four state pilots initiated as a first step in preparing for the BOND demonstration. It's purpose is to test whether changing SSDI rules to provide a glide ramp off SSDI cash benefits would encourage more beneficiaries to work at a high enough level to reduce or eliminate cash benefit payments. The findings provide invaluable information on the issues of implementing such a complex federal project within widely variable state systems.

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The Aging Services Network and the Use of Online Screening and Application Technology

Read the main findings of an online survey of State Units on Aging (SUAs) and Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) on the use of online screening and application tools to help seniors and younger adults with disabilities to enroll in public benefits. The results show that the majority use online screening and application technology to support their counseling and enrollment activities, and that using these technologies have benefited their organization and their clients.

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The State of Housing in America in the 21st Century: A Disability Perspective

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the state of housing in the 21st century and answers important questions about current housing needs and options for people with disabilities in the U.S. It provides evidence of what can be effective in meeting the range of housing needs, including promising practices drawn from real examples, and lessons learned from experts working on housing issues and policy. The report was transmitted to the President of the US; that letter is also attached.

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Freedom To Work Project 2007 End of Year Evaluation Report - South Dakota

This evaluation report provides the reader with an overview, as well as a detailed description of the evaluations completed in 2007 of Freedom to Work Project activities in South Dakota. It collects evidence from those involved in the project (using surveys, interviews, observations, focus groups, etc.) to obtain a documented, shared understanding of the project’s effectiveness. These findings could be helpful to states with similar projects, or those considering implementing new ones.

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Analysis of Medical Expenditures and Service Use of Medicaid Buy-In Participants, 2002-2005

Review the key findings of this report which uses information from multiple state and federal data sources and provides the most comprehensive information to date on patterns of Medicaid and Medicare spending and service use among Buy-In participants. Overall findings suggest that Buy-In participants who are working may require fewer services or a less expensive mix of services than other adult disabled Medicaid enrollees.

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Qualitative Reports of Consumers and Caregivers

These stories, from Arkansas, Florida & New Jersey, are based on in-depth interviews with Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) clients, their families and caregivers, and program consultants. The research team developed a User's Guide to help the user navigate through the Reports easily and find information quickly and effectively. In addition, a detailed key word index exists for each Report to help the user locate specific information.

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Reducing Nursing Home Use Through Consumer-Directed Personal Care Services

This article focuses on the effect of Arkansas' Cash & Counseling demonstration on nursing facility use and expenditures. The results are compared to traditional Medicaid PCS and the affect on total Medicaid costs are examined. The abstract (free) and full report (subscription required) are available.

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