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State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program: A Primer for State Aging Directors and Executive Staff

This report is meant to serve as an overview of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (SLTCOP), which was established to advocate for people living in long-term care facilities. The report is useful to State Unit on Aging (SUA) Directors by providing program history, practices, and unique role in the aging network. The report also discusses the implications for the LTC Ombudsman role as residents move away from facilities to home and community-based services.

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State of Aging: 2009 State Perspectives on State Units on Aging Policies and Practices

Interested in the work and current challenges that face The National Association of State Units on Aging members? This report, resulting from a February through April 2009 NASUA survey, was given to its members to obtain a snapshot of their work and the current challenges they face. The results, divided into 10 themes, provide that snapshot as well as the states’ perspective on the evolution of the aging network as it works to redesign the long-term care delivery system.

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Project 2020: Building on the Promise of Home and Community-Based Services

The goal of this coordinated national campaign from n4a & NASUA is to provide the resources to implement consumer-centered and cost effective long-term care strategies authorized in the 2006 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. Empower the Aging Services Network to implement these strategies through a three-pronged program encompassing person centered access to information, evidence-based disease management and health promotion activities, and enhanced home and community-based services.

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Inclusion/Exclusion Policy Development Guide for Aging Information & Referral/Assistance

Are you struggling with what should and should not be included in an I&R resource database? NASUA has put together a compilation of suggestions, experiences, and ideas from the field related to establishing a database. The paper also addresses specific elements of designs and policy development.

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The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on State Aging Programs: Results of All-State Survey

The findings from a fourth economic survey of the state units on aging conducted in May 09 revealed that despite the funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 60% of states must reduce their agencies' budgets for FY10. While ARRA funding allowed states to maintain food and nutrition programs, over 20% of states indicated they will cut back services and programs include Older Americans Act, disability, Medicaid, and home- and community-based services and supports.

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Weathering the Storm: The Impact of the Great Recession on Long-Term Services and Supports

The recession continues to affect state programs for older individuals and adults with physical disabilities. Demand for publicly funded services has grown, and resources, including staff, are stretched thin, according to this new 50-state study. 31 states have cut non-Medicaid aging and disability services programs in FY 2010, and 28 states were expecting to cut these programs in FY 2011. Find the research report, brief, video and compiled State profiles.

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Promising Practices: Managing the Care of People with Disabilities

The goal of this paper is to identify programs around the country associated with serving and coordinating the care of individuals with disabilities. CHPR conducted a literature search, a series of interviews with national experts, & a review of 6 promising practices. Included in the review: planning; implementation; eligibility; funding and authority; contracting; delivery system and services offered; care management and care coordination processes; evaluation and outcomes; and replication.

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2012 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures

Background and context for interpretation of the data about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias are contained in the Overview. This information includes definitions of the types of dementia and a summary of current knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. Other sections address prevalence, mortality, caregiving and use and costs of care and services. There is a focus on the challenges of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias who live alone.

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2005 White House Conference on Aging: Final Report

Once a decade this conference meets to make aging policy recommendations to the President and Congress and to assist the public and private sectors in promoting dignity, health, independence, and economic security of current and future generations of older persons. The 2005 session occurred as the first wave of the baby boom generation prepared for retirement, creating an important opportunity to creatively assess aging. You can download the entire final report or selected sections.

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