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National Study of Long-Term Care Providers 2014 Data Briefs

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has four new reports available from the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (NSLTCP). The data briefs and state tables use survey data from NCHS’ 2014 NSLTCP. NSLTCP provides reliable, accurate, relevant, and timely statistical information to support and inform long-term care services policy, research, and practice.

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Medicaid & CHIP: September 2015 Monthly Applications, Eligibility Determinations and Enrollment Report

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released their monthly report for September 2015 on Medicaid and CHIP application, eligibility, and enrollment data. States provides data to CMS on factors related to key application, eligibility and enrollment processes using the Medicaid and CHIP Performance Indicator Project. The data is then used to inform CMS on the operations of the programs in each state and to share state performance data publicly.

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Lifelong Disparities Among Older American Indians and Alaska Natives

This is a report on the lifelong disparities that exist among older American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) populations when compared to the general United States population of older adults. The report includes a definition of who falls into the category of American Indian, identifies where these populations generally live in the U.S., and compares AI/ANs generally with the rest of the population of older adults and also specifically compares health coverage.

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Dementia Care Coordination Workforce and Practices in Seven Duals Demonstration States

The University of California San Francisco published a report about dementia care coordination for duals populations with a specific look at the inadequate workforce of dementia-capable care coordinators.Currently, there are twelve states in the process of implementing demonstrations projects. This report examined three-way contracts from seven states that were selected for their expertise in care coordination.

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Medical Loss Ratio Report

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a new report that shows the premium rebate record since 2011. The Affordable Care Act requires that health insurance companies spend a minimum of 80% of premium dollars on health care, resulting in $2.4 billion in consumer rebates since 2011. CMS' results indicate that consumers are receiving a higher value for their premium dollars as a result of the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), 80/20 rule.

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Financing Transition Services When Everyone is the "Payer of Last Resort"

The Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, published a report on financing transition services. Multiple funding streams, or braiding of resources, are used to fund the services and supports available for transition-age youth seeking employment or higher education. This report examines who the payers of last resort are based on different regulatory and legal requirements.

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Medicaid & CHIP: August 2015 Monthly Applications, Eligibility Determinations and Enrollment Report

States provides data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on factors related to key application, eligibility and enrollment processes using the Medicaid and CHIP Performance Indicator Project. The data is then used to inform CMS on the operations of the programs in each state and to share state performance data publicly. Data collection for this project began in October 2013 and is reported monthly. Enrollment reached 72.4 million people for Medicaid and CHIP in August 2015.

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Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment 2013

The annual 2013 Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Report created by the Division of Managed Care Plans and the Data and Systems Group in the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services at CMS, with assistance from Mathematica Policy Research, was released this week. Data on Medicaid enrollment is collected from every state, territory, and the District of Columbia, and is broken down into categories by program, population, and state. The report provides tables with nationwide data and data by state.

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nTIDE Jobs Report

The Bureau of Labor Statistics in collaboration with the Kessler Foundation published this month's National Trends on Disability Employment report (nTIDE). Each month this report is published to mark the changes of employment for people with disabilities. The last 11 months have been a period of job growth for Americans living with disabilities. This month showed a decline in employment statistics. Please note that these statistics are not seasonally adjusted.

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The Role of State Medicaid Directors: A Leadership Imperative

The Milbank Memorial Fund released a new study, the Role of State Medicaid Directors: A Leadership Imperative. This study was authored by Andy Allison, a former Kansas and Arkansas Medicaid Director. The study focuses on the current climate of Medicaid policy, organizations and leadership. There is a specific focus on how the administration is structured for Medicaid in the states and the adequacy of state investments in the role and compensation of these leaders.

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