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The Value of Pursuing Medicare-Medicaid Integration for Medicaid Agencies

This report is the fourth in a series of publications from the MLTSS Institute, which was established in 2016 to drive improvements in key MLTSS policy areas, facilitate sharing and learning among states, and provide direct and intensive technical assistance to states and health plans. This issue brief focuses on delivering effective care to individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid and aims to lay out the case for state Medicaid agencies to invest in integrated care programs.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2019 Update Charting a Path Forward

The latest report in the AARP Public Policy Institute’s Valuing the Invaluable series estimates the economic value of unpaid family caregiving at $470 billion in 2017. The report also explores family caregiving trends, highlights federal and state policy changes since the release of the previous Valuing the Invaluable report in 2015, and offers further policy recommendations to enhance the well-being of caregiving families.

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A Profile of Older U.S. Veterans

Over 15% of people ages 60+ are veterans. This issue brief from the National Council on Aging analyzes the unique needs of older veterans. It highlights demographic characteristics, financial data, and statistics on health outcomes for this population. Overall, the brief concludes that while older veterans generally have a higher income, they tend to have worse health than their counterparts, emphasizing the need for targeted outreach to connect veterans to benefits.

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Adding a Dental Benefit to Medicare: Addressing Racial Disparities

This brief describes the racial disparities in access to oral health and oral health outcomes. Coverage is a key factor in reducing the existing disparities. This brief proposes adding oral health as a Medicare benefit as a potential solution. It also proposes additional policy options aimed at reducing disparities beyond expanding oral health coverage,

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Protecting Older Consumers 2018-2019: A Report of the Federal Trade Commission

This report outlines the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) research, law enforcement, and education efforts aimed at protecting older consumers. The report finds that although consumers 60 and older report losing money to scams less often than younger adults, the amount of money they lose is higher. Older adults reported losing money most often to phone scams and online scams. This report also highlights the Pass it On campaign.

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Falls Prevention: National, State, and Local Solutions to Better Support Seniors

This report was released by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging. The report notes that one in four Americans 65 and older falls each year, leading to lasting health and economic consequences. Falls are preventable and not necessarily a part of the normal aging process. The report also includes a list of recommendations from the committee.

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Medicare Advantage Plans and Supplemental Benefit Flexibility

The Urban Institute conducted a series of interviews with Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Advantage experts, and social service providers to better understand how health plans were responding to CMS’s new flexibility with regards to supplemental benefits. This report presents the findings from these interviews. It also explores possible policy changes to further support supplemental benefits and describes what funding and resources are available for state to administer these benefits.

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