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Distressed Conditions in Developments for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and Strategies Used for Improvement

A new GAO report examined public housing developments occupied primarily by elderly persons and non-elderly persons with disabilities. Review the data on severely distressed housing and the ways in which such housing can be improved. This report examines the methods used to reduce the level of social distress and strategies to improve physical and social conditions.

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Innovative State Policies To Reduce Poverty And Expand The Middle Class: Building Asset Security Among Low-Income Households

This analysis suggests a number of states are charting new territory in the arena of social investments that are designed to address the root causes of poverty and wealth inequality in the nation. By highlighting specific policies that are designed to enable households to build assets and by examining how they came about, this document can serve as a roadmap for policymakers, advocates and interested individuals.

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Consumer and Family Perspectives on Services Provided by Connecticut’s State Agencies: Do citizens with disabilities perceive agency activities as supportive of self-determination and consumer empowerment?

To what extent have several key state agencies and bureaus embedded concepts such as partnerships with families and citizens with disabilities, consumer decision making and self-determination into the training of their staff? This report is a follow up companion to a previous study and provides a good window onto 'grass roots' perspectives of consumers and families receiving services while informing agencies about how their particular efforts compare to those undertaken by others.

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Sustaining New Jersey’s Evolving Community Choice Counseling Program

This policy in practice brief describes the statutory foundation of the Community Choice Counseling program which is rooted in pre-admission screening for nursing homes, and how state leaders used that 1988 law to reduce resistance from nursing homes and obtain a sustainable funding source for the staff. This brief also summarizes new innovations, evaluation findings, lessons learned, and potential future directions.

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Northeast Florida AAA Continuity of Operations and Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The State of Florida is vulnerable to a variety of hazards that threaten its citizens and the Northeast Florida AAA had developed both a number of resources in disaster preparedness. The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan encompasses recognition of responsibilities in the event of a disaster. The continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan establishes policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the AAA mission essential functions.

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The Washington Medicaid State Plan Personal Care Services Program

The Center for Personal Assistance Services has prepared this case study of the Washington state Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS) program. This report first presents an overview of the states characteristics, and then reviews the Medicaid program and management of HCBS programs including the personal care in waivers. The primary focus is on the organization and management of the Medicaid PCS optional state plan program. The report highlights eight best practices.

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Employment Of Persons With Disabilities in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #2 explores employment issues.

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Accessibility of Public and Private Places in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #1 explores the accessibility of public and private places.

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The Illustrated History of Maine\'s Personal Assistance Services Association

Review this two-part report on establishing an Association for Direct Care and Direct Support Workers in Maine. The materials feature a timeline of activities, challenges and outcomes for the Maine PASA program. The companion piece, Our Stories provides snapshots of the work that PAS face everyday. These informative reports illustrate the developments and productivity of the program through examples and pictures.

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Compendium of Quality Indicators for Older Adults, Adults with Physical Disabilities, Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism and Living at Home, in the Community, or in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Muskie School of Public Service has complied over 15 tools and surveys. Included in the report are Participant Experience Surveys, Performance Indicators, Experience Surveys, Core Indicators, Consumer Surveys, Behavioral Risk Factors, Outcome Measures, and a variety of Quality Measures. Review the sample questions and tools shown in this Compendium of Quality Indicators.

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