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Keeping Track: National Disability Status and Program Performance Indicators

Federal data is used to describe the status of Americans with disabilities and their quality of life. The report measures indicators such as employment, education, health status and health care, financial security, leisure and recreation, personal relationships, and crime and safety. The authors also lay out a road map for the federal government to expand the national disability indicator set, as well as for installing the set into a key national indicator system.

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What Is the Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment (DMIE) and Who is Participating?

The DMIE awards funds to states to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions that are intended to improve health care coverage and employment services for working adults with potentially disabling conditions. It allows states to offer Medicaid-equivalent coverage, employment support, and case management services in order to sustain employment. This issue brief reviews the rationale for the DMIE, the interventions of the four most recent states, evaluation, and information dissemination.

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Improving Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) Systems for Home and Community-Based Services: Experience of the FY 2003 and FY 2004 Grantees

The purpose of this report is to inform the efforts of states that are trying to develop and improve QA/QI systems by describing and analyzing how selected Systems Change Grantees went through this process. The initiatives examined fall into six categories: administrative technology and information technology; standards for services; discovery; remediation; workforce; and public information.

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The Impact of Medical Benefits on the Los Angeles County IHSS Workforce: A Five-Year Study

In Los Angeles County, personal care workers (PCW) that meet eligibility requirements can receive healthcare benefits. Since 2003, the Personal Assistance Services Council (PASC) of L.A. County has commissioned annual studies to examine how these benefits have effected retention and quality. Those studies are posted here along with an introductory letter. Visit the PASC website for updates.

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Recommendations for Establishing a Credentialing System for Iowa’s Direct Care Workforce

Direct care worker (DCW) training and education are challenging issues in all states. Iowa set up a taskforce to review existing requirements, streamline the process of training and education, and to establish a DCW registry by expanding the Iowa Nurse Aide Registry. The taskforce recommends classifying DCWs by function (rather than setting or population served) and developing a governing body, a single approved curriculum, and a certification system for all DCWs.

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The State of 21st Century Financial Incentives for Americans with Disabilities

This report offers recommendations to increase opportunities for people with disabilities to become fully involved in the economic mainstream of society. It presents research findings in key areas such as education and health care. It also describes selected state-level innovations affecting asset development and wealth accumulation. Finally, the report makes policy recommendations for securing meaningful employment, career advancement, and benefits needed for daily living and accommodations.

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Serving the Needs of Medicaid Enrollees with Integrated Behavioral Health Services in Safety Net Primary Care Settings

A recent trend in health care has been the increasing integration of behavioral health services into primary care settings. This paper discusses the benefits of such integration and the role of safety net primary care providers as behavioral health providers within the Medicaid program. The authors focus on organizational structure and reimbursement models in analyzing how four state programs achieve this integration.

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Shaping Medicaid and SCHIP Through Waivers: The Fundamentals

This paper examines the use of research, demonstration, and program waivers as vehicles for innovation in the delivery and payment of health care and long-term care. It summarizes the context of the creation of the programs and reviews their legal underpinnings. It also analyzes the dynamics between state and federal authorities. Finally, the paper examines the impact of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 on the need for or desirability of waivers.

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The Americans with Disabilities Act: Applying Performance and Conduct Standards to Employees with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does NOT affect an employer's right to hold all employees to performance and conduct standards. It does mandate that employers make reasonable accommodations so individuals with disabilities can meet those standards. This guide explains how and when employees should request these accommodations and how employers should handle such requests. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission periodically updates the guide on their website.

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Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Some States and Federal Agencies Are Taking Steps to Address Their Transition Challenges

Approximately 2.4 million young adults had a serious mental illness in 2006. To better understand challenges that will arise as these youth transition into adulthood, GAO was asked to provide information on the demographic characteristics of these young adults, how selected states assist them, and how the federal government supports states in serving them. The data come from national surveys, the Social Security Administration, published research, and site visits.

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