Promising practices

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The Coming Home Project Demonstration Case Study Series

Compare best practices from affordable assisted living projects in Florida, Vermont, Washington and Arkansas. Each study details proven project structures, such as a review of service fees, staffing patterns and project financing; lessons learned from project sponsors; and key distinguishing features such as new construction in rural communities or use of low income housing tax credits and conversion of public housing facilities.

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Youth with Disabilities in the Foster Care System: Barriers to Success and Proposed Policy Solutions

This report is about older youth that are involved in the foster care system and have disabilities and the challenges and outcomes they experience in the areas of education, employment, and other indicators of well-being. The goal is to inform and advise state and federal policymakers in improving these outcomes through better services coordination, systems accountability, leadership development, and capacity building, focusing especially on the transition to adulthood.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Maryland - Encouraging Evidence-Based Practices in Supported Employment

Maryland's vocational rehabilitation and mental health agencies jointly promote supported employment evidence-based practices (EBP) for people with mental illness. The state provides a payment for EBP services and monitors fidelity to EBP. Training, technical assistance, and small, time-limited grants have assisted providers transitioning to EBP. More than two-thirds of Maryland’s supported employment providers either have adopted EBP or are implementing these practices.

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Inadanna para Tinilaika - Partners for Change: Individualized Budgeting Pilot

Partners for Change funded by the Health Care Financing Administration as a Systems Change for Community Living grant, was designed to test the concept and practice of Individualized Budgeting on Guam and the application for Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Service and Support for individuals with disabilities who require such supports to live in the most integrated community settings. This report offers recommendations, interview results, references and testimonial letters.

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Institute for the Future of Aging Services (IFAS) Website

The IFAS website provides research information to providers and policy makers to help them put research findings into practice. Visit the newly improved website to find out how leading experts in applied research are bridging the gap among policy, practice and research communities. Discover best practices, policies and lessons learned on affordable housing plus services, workforce and quality improvement.

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Funding Sources Successfully Used by States to Support Development of Integrated, Affordable, and Accessible Community Housing

This guide offers a quick reference on housing resources that can be used to create integrated, affordable, and accessible housing and basic information on how to use these resources. Including community strategies that increase the amount of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing units that usually fall into three general categories: development of housing units; access to existing housing units; and asset development.

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RSA: Promising Practices for Basic VR Agencies Helping Transition Age Youth

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) monitored 23 state vocational rehabilitation agencies in fiscal year 2007. These agencies, their stakeholders, and RSA identified promising practices that promote youth with disabilities transitioning from school to employment. Summaries of these practices are on the U.S. Department of Education’s website and include examples of leveraging resources, college and career preparation programs, and collaboration and partnerships among other practices.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Delaware - Supported Employment for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Delaware has helped several adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) work alongside people without disabilities, using both supported and competitive employment. The state emphasizes early transition planning for youth graduating from the school system. It also provides additional hours of support for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver participants with a history of significantly challenging behaviors. Over 50 waiver participants with ASD are employed in the community.

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