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Impact of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit on Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs

Surveying Maryland’s 3,180 dual eligibles who are enrolled in hcbs waiver programs, the author finds that the end-of-2005 transfer of prescription drug coverage from Medicaid to Medicare under the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 could put these beneficiaries in jeopardy. The experience in MD is likely to be typical for other states. The paper recommends a number of federal policy remedies, including 90-day prescriptions, using open or shared formularies, & lengthening the enrollment period.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50577

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Consumer Control and Choice: An Overview of Self-Determination Initiatives for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities

Self-determination is a growing force for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Advances in technology and services, the recognition that recovery is a reality, combined with the consumer movement motto, “nothing about us without us” all pave the way for persons with psychiatric disabilities to live self-determined lives. This NMHA report outlines many of the barriers to this movement and makes recommendations and next steps.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50538

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Medicaid Home And Community-Based Services: National Program Trends

This recent Health Affairs article presents the latest program trends in the three Medicaid home and community-based services programs (waivers, home health, & state-plan personal care) and reports a national survey of cost control policies used on waiver programs in 2002. The findings show slowing annual rates of participation growth on individual programs, widespread use of cost controls on waivers including waiting lists, and the persistence of large interstate variations.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50533

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An Overview of the Independence Plus Initiative to Promote Consumer-Direction of Services in Medicaid

The Independence Plus Initiative was established to give states expanded opportunities within Medicaid to allow for consumer direction of long-term services and supports. The consumer direction movement continues to evolve rapidly, and this calls for federal and state resources to evaluate new and changing programs. This issue paper explores the difference between IP and Cash and Counseling, the 1115 demonstration, IP and HCBS Waivers, and outlines policy implications.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50529

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Payment for Community Transition Services: State Examples

This topic paper summarizes how states can use Medicaid to pay for most institutional transition program costs on a permanent basis as a result of policy change since 2000. It also describes how states are currently using Medicaid HCBS Waivers to pay for community transition services-temporary supports people need when trying to move such as housing deposits, utility set-up fees, and furniture.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50527

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Workforce Strategies: State Wage Pass-Through Legislation

A wage pass-through is an additional allocation of funds provided through Medicaid reimbursement for the express purpose of increasing compensation for direct-care workers. Twenty-one states have implemented these programs in expectation that doing so will help address the worker shortage. The purpose of this issue brief is to: describe the structure in selected states; summarize what is known about the impact of these programs on recruitment and retention; and identify key design elements.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50511

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Workforce Strategies: The Role of Training in Improving the Recruitment and Retention of Direct-Care Workers in Long-Term Care

This issue explores the theory that improving pre-employment training and continuing education reduces turnover by giving workers the competence and confidence they need to do the job well. The brief describe federal and state pre-employment and on-the job training requirements; examine the costs involved and how to pay for it; summarizes the research on the impact of training programs on recruitment, retention, care quality; and identifies key questions in developing initiatives.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50502

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State Policy in Practice....Oregon\'s Nurse Practice Policies for Home and Community-Based Living

This State Policy in Practice brief is the second in a series of reports on how states are addressing laws that regulate nursing practice to be more responsive to consumers’ preferences to live in their own communities. This brief focuses on Oregon’s policies for how nurses may collaborate with consumers in managing health maintenance activities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50479

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TAE Issue Brief: ADRC Roles in Rebalancing Long Term Care Systems: Diversion Initiatives

States face significant obstacles in diverting individuals from institutional settings. Throughout the long-term care system, there exists an institutional bias for placing people in institutional settings over HCBS settings. Most states have some form of nursing home diversion program however, these programs face several challenges. This paper outlines many of the challenges, details strategies, and offers resources.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50474

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Home and Community-Based Services: Quality Management Roles and Responsibilities

This is the first in a series of papers synthesizing the ideas and practices of states as they improve the quality of home and community based services (HCBS) and supports for older persons and persons with disabilities. Building on the experiences and challenges of the QA/QI Systems Change grantees, the paper addresses four fundamental questions about quality management. The intent is to provide an account of current practice, and a structure for how states view their options.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50470


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