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State DD Agency Policies on the Use of Restrictive Procedures

Follow the link for a comprehensive listing of state statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures regarding the use of emergency or planned physical, chemical, mechanical, or other restraints. Additional documents offer information on positive behavior support guidelines, training manuals, and other policy-related materials. Many emphasize the use of positive or non-aversive interventions. Links are provided to access documents on many state DD agency websites.

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Consumer Handbooks – Minnesota

Here are resources used to educate consumers about MN’s Consumer Directed Community Supports, Personal Care Assistance, and Road to Independence programs. The first handbook gives guidance on the processes and protections of consumer direction and also provides sample care plans and assessments. The handbook on personal care assistance is available in English, Somali and Vietnamese and reviews eligibility, management, and use of services. The last guide assists in moving out of an institution.

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Going To Work: A Guide to Social Security Benefits and Employment for Young People with Disabilities (2009 Edition)

Young people and their families are in the best position to make choices about working when they have good information about the impact of work on benefits. The Social Security and Medicaid/MassHealth programs have work incentives that can help young people give work a try, and provide a “safety net” in case the job does not work out. The purpose of this booklet is to give families and professionals working with young people some practical, hands-on information about work incentives.

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Quality Improvement Surveys and Training Materials - Arizona

Quality surveys were developed to be administered by consumers to other consumers and their families. They measure in-home attendant care, habilitation, and respite services delivered. In addition to surveys are materials used to train the interviewers, survey response thresholds, and a presentation outlining survey findings.

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Developing and Implementing Self-Direction Programs and Policies: A Handbook

The Handbook was developed to provide state staff, policymakers, service providers, program participants, and other stakeholders with a comprehensive source of information about participant direction programs and policies. Its primary purpose is to explain how States can increase program participants’ choice of and control over their services and supports. In addition to providing detailed information, the Handbook also provides links to additional web resources on the selected topics.

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Tools for Consumer Participation in Quality Assurance - Florida

Florida created tools to gather information essential to measuring quality from consumers in programs serving people with developmental disabilities and their families. The “Road Map” summarizes the quality assurance process and informs people of their rights. “My Personal Compass” assists in evaluating services received. The last link connects to other resources from the Florida Statewide Quality Assurance Program.

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Next Step in Care: Transition Guides and Checklists for Family Caregivers & Professionals

Help family caregivers better manage transitions in care with these guides. Available in English and Spanish, they help determine what issues to consider, how to seek assistance, how to manage medications, and how to better communicate with physicians and other health care professionals. The site, developed by United Hospital Fund, has resources for professionals as well.

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Quality Services Resources Guide - Vermont

This resource guide gives consumers information about quality in long term care services, outcomes expected from services, and information about how the state of Vermont assures and improves its services. It also discusses the how consumers can receive more information or assistance and their role in assuring and improving quality of services. Other states can use this as a template when designing their own quality programs.

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Navigating the System

Life is complicated; systems supporting people with developmental disabilities are even more complex. This guidebook is intended to help understand the many systems that may be encountered as a self advocate or someone involved in the life of an individual with a developmental disability. Like a car manual; some of this information may never be needed but if something happens the information is available. Other state programs can use this guidebook as a template to create a similar manual.

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Indiana Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs: A Guide for Consumers

One way Indiana communicates with HCBS waivers consumers is via this document. Updated periodically, it describes available waivers and what services they cover, eligibility requirements, quality assurance mechanisms and the rights of the consumer. It also provides instructions for applying, contact information for other HCBS resources, and tips on choosing good providers. The guide comes with a feedback and evaluation survey.

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