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Title IIID Highest-Level Criteria EB DPHP Programs Cost Chart

The Administration for Community Living AoA’s OAA Title IIID webpage now includes a chart searchable by keywords of all the highest-level criteria evidence-based (EB) disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs that have undergone the AoA program submission process to become listed on the webpage. The Chart outlines thirty EB programs, including a brief description, costs, website and contact information, program goals, target audience, and training requirements.

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Livable Communities Website

This site showcases AARP’s policies and strategies that support a community’s efforts to create places where people of all ages can live independently as they age. Also, the website provides research on housing, transportation and land use issues with a focus on the impact on older Americans as well as publications on policy topics such as: aging in place, the state of US housing conditions for older adults, universal design and visitability, and "Complete Streets".

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This website provides detailed information of the Performance Outcomes Measures project (POMP), which aims to help states and Area Agencies on Aging assess their own program performance, while assisting AoA to meet the accountability provisions of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) program assessment requirements. The website also offers an extensive list of resources and links related to POMP.

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National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services

This is the official website of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS), which is the only national center of its kind to assist states and other agencies or organizations that want to offer, or already offer, participant-directed services to people with disabilities. NRCPDS provides technical assistance, research, education, and training to both Medicaid and non-Medicaid funded programs.

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AoA Older Americans Act Portal

Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. This website provides a list of web links that offer an unofficial compilation of the OAA, an outline of changes made to the OAA at the most recent reauthorization in 2006, a set of frequently asked questions and other related sources of information and data.

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AoA Health, Prevention, and Wellness Program

Through the Older Americans Act and other legislation, Administration on Aging (AoA) supports programs that help older adults remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities. This website provides a list of health, prevention, and wellness programs currently supported by the Aging Network, as well as a snapshot of related resources and links.

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AoA Evidence-based Disease and Disability Prevention Program

Funding support to states under the EBDDP program has been provided by AoA to empower older adults to take control of their health. In these programs, seniors learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle through increased self-efficacy and self-management behaviors. Classes are provided to older adults: In their own communities; In familiar non-clinical settings, such as community centers; In peer learning groups which provide support, socialization and reinforcement of positive health behavior changes

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AoA Community Living Program Grants

A competitive grant opportunity designed to assist individuals at risk of nursing home placement & spend down to Medicaid to enable them to continue to live in their community. The initiative encourages the Aging Services Network to modernize and transform funding from the OAA, or other non-Medicaid sources, into flexible consumer-directed service dollars. The grants complement CMS's Money Follows the Person to reach older adults before they enter a nursing home & supports rebalancing efforts.

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AoA Services for Native Americans

First established in 1978 with the provision of nutrition and supportive services, and expanded in 2000 with the addition of caregiver support services. Grants provided to eligible Tribal organizations to promote the delivery of HCBS services, including nutrition services and support family and informal caregivers, to Native American, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian elders. The programs help reduce the need for institutional care and medical interventions are responsive to cultural diversity.

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AoA National Family Caregiver Support Program Resources

AoA provides funding for a range of supports to family caregivers. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the National Family Caregiver Support Program, authorized under Title III E of the OAA. The NFCSP provides five types of services: 1. information to caregivers about available services, 2. assistance to caregivers in gaining access to the services, 3. individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregiver training, 4. respite care, and 5.supplemental services.

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