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Rewarding Work: Recruiting Direct Support Workers Through the Web - Webcast

This Web cast covers a brief background to the development of the Rewarding Work Web site, consumer involvement in the design, description of key features of the Web site, searchable items on the job application, how workers and individual employers use the site, related components of the Rewarding Work campaign, and how individual states are linking Rewarding Work to their systems change efforts.

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Colorado Department of Human Services Website

CDHS oversees the state’s 64 county departments of social/human services, the public mental health system, the system of services for people with developmental disabilities, the state’s juvenile corrections system and all state and veterans’ nursing homes. Find information on Adult, Disability, and Rehabilitation services, Office of Self-Sufficiency, Behavioral Health and Housing, Office of State and Veterans Nursing Homes, Children, Youth and Families, and the Office of Performance Improvement.

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Colorado Department of Human Services

CDHS oversees the state’s 64 county departments of social/human services, the state’s public mental health system, Colorado’s system of services for people with developmental disabilities, the state’s juvenile corrections system and all state and veterans’ nursing homes, through more than 5,000 employees and thousands of community-based service providers.

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